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  1. In explicit Angst
    Roxas took Xion on his back and started jogging to Xion's room. When he was close to Xion's room he asked:
    "You feeling any better?"

    Katie heard someone speaking close by. She saw Riku and some other people. She took out her Sais and walked toward Riku.
    "Who are you?"
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. In explicit Angst
    "Eh? Um... I better get you to your room!" Roxas said confused and worried.
    "Come on, I'll carry you there."
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. In explicit Angst
    Xinia looked up at the blond man. He was pretty tall compared to herself. She had always been the shortest one everywhere. Her somebody had been bullied in school for being so short. But it didn't really bother her anymore. These days she thought being small was actually pretty useful. She could sneak into places that some taller people couldn't go. And people didn't notice her always. That fact had bother her somebody, but she knew that sometimes it was better not to be noticed in a world like this.
    "Uh, sure..." Xinia mumbled shyly not knowing really what to say.

    Roxas smiled a bit at Xion's comment. He turned to look at her and saw her sliding to the ground. He immediately went to his knees and lightly shook her.
    "Xion! What's wrong?!"
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 13, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. In explicit Angst
    Oh, yeah. Of corse -.-'
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  5. In explicit Angst
    Roxas hit the wall once more. It looked like he was trying to break it.
    "What's going on?" he mumbled
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. In explicit Angst
    Roxas pushed the door open and stepped outside but he bumped into something. He tapped the air in front of him and it felt like there was an invisible wall surrounding them.

    Xinia quietly walked around the castle trying not to get any attention. But after a while she heard her stomach growling. "Shoot... Where was the kitchen again?"
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. In explicit Angst
    Meh, not a good idea...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  8. In explicit Angst
    That's actually pretty smart. If i'd do something like that I'd need to probably erase almost all of my old school mates...
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. In explicit Angst
    <.< Uh? Which ones the fun or threatening ones?
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  10. In explicit Angst
    I think that fighting about religion is just stupid. Why cant people just accept that some people believe in something else then some other people. There's nothing wrong on saying your opinion about it, but why does someone have to start bashing God or Jesus, just because they don't believe in them? And I'm not saying that people who don't believe in god are the only people who do something like that. I've seen christians who act like agnostics don't know anything. Like their stupid or something. My very dear and close friend who've I've known all my life is an agnostic and I'm a christian. We don't fight about it. We sometimes talk about our opinions but we've never fought about it. And I know that around her I wont be talking about how 'great' and 'wonderful' god is (okay, I don't talk like that even if I'm not with her). Why cant you guys just open your eyes and see that christians aren't these 'perfect' and 'wonderful' people who never do anything wrong and all the time talk about how great god is. And agnostics aren't these bad people who do 'sins' and crimes all the time. Well some of 'em are like those but not all. Just open your eyes and stop bashing other peoples believes!
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  11. In explicit Angst
    I just hate the ones in youtube. I sometimes send the email to my friends if they have something fun in them. But nothing like "Send this to 10 people or you'll die in ten days!"
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  12. In explicit Angst

    Sims 3

    I saw the Sims 3 in stores yesterday and notice that ^^
    But wouldn't afford it yet D:
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Gaming
  13. In explicit Angst
    I chose laptop, even though I love books too. I'm just not as big of a reader than like my sister Divine_Lunatic or something. But I do like wasting my time more on computers. But I must say. Most of the article like in wikipedia, get their information of books. Well yeah, if the article is about a manga or an anime or something like that, then they don't really read books to check information (except if there's a book about the series). But if someone makes an article of something historical, lets say, I think they check out the information from books. Except if they make something up... :/
    But still, I chose laptops over books 'cause surfing over the internet is what I do best ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. In explicit Angst
    Me? Well it wouldn't be so hard to just check it out quickly, but I use Roxas and two OCs.

    Roxas walked out of the room and turned to the way they could get outside. He herd some talking close by but he just thought that it were some other members and decided not to bother them. After walking a while Roxas turned to the door which would take them outside.

    Katie rubbed her head. She remembered sitting on a bench and reading a book when there came a big shadow and the place got pretty dark so that she couldn't read. She had lifted her head up from the book and then everything went black and it felt like something had pulled her in. She saw the book in her hand still but it wouldn't explain to her, where she was.

    Xinia opened her door and walked outside. She was a bit shy, but still wanted to check the place out. She was pretty new and hadn't seen all the places.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 12, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. In explicit Angst
    Sure ^^

    Hmm, well if he lets you be Sora you can be him...

    So you'll have Vexen and Rhoppergaurd will have Sora?

    You're in! ^^

    Bic: "Yeah, I'll show it for ya." Roxas said without knowing that they were locked inside.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 11, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. In explicit Angst
    You did the right thing. Think what could of happened to the girl if you've had left her there. It was right for the man that your friend beat him up!
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Help with Life
  17. In explicit Angst
    I haven't cried in a while, but I remember crying once watching Pokemon, at least.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  18. In explicit Angst
    I always try not to get spoilers 'cause I got spoilers from my sisters of some of my favorite books/movies. It wasn't fun when I knew everything what was gonna happen ;_;
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  19. In explicit Angst
    My sister can ask it for her birthday and I can steal it totally for myself :lolface: I cant wait for it to come out ^^
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. In explicit Angst
    My sister does that too.
    Post by: In explicit Angst, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone