I have a couple ideas so I'm probably gonna do a thread asking about it.
Nothing much, just trying to get 300 post so I can get a name change ^^
Roxas put the music off and walked to his window. It was raining, like always, and everything looked dark. Roxas wasn't really sure why was he took back. So many members still thought he was a traitor. But he was still token back. "Weird" he though. And now they couldn't leave the castle. Was this some kind of revenge? To lock him up in the castle? No... It couldn't be... Or was it? Roxas fell back on his bed and shoved his head under his pillow. "Ugh..."
"Hm... Okay..."Katie mumbled. She didn't really know what to think of them, but she still wanted to know where she was so she better try to be friendly still... "What's going on? Some portal just appeared and sucked me in."
Fine. You?
Katie watched the two for a while. She remember the times when nobodies had attacked her. But she didn't look at all like the nobodies she had fought. And what is this organization. She tried to form her sentence as polite as she could, which wasn't very easy 'cause she wasn't really a polite person. "Aren't nobodies... a little... different looking? And what's this Organization about?" Edit: OOC: I'm leaving for the weekend to my family's friends' cottage. I'll be back sunday evening or monday afternoon. And Divine_Lunatic, who's my sister, is coming with me so we wont be posting anything here for a couple of days. Play nice, 'kay~~~ ^^
Katie eyed the two, but she decided walk forward to them to know where she was. "Where am I?" Katie asked and decided to add: "And who are you?"
Hi! xD
I listen to Japanese and Finnish songs too. Satumaa Tango Sakura addiction
Katie heard some sounds near by. She was gonna go see who there was, but then she realized that the person, or persons, might not be very friendly. She took out her Sais and walked closer to the sounds to see Dexen and Mayah.
****. That's a lot of fun to them. Throwing away lots of money for someone else to probably find.
Roxas walked to his room and sat down to his bed. He put his earphones on his head and started to listen to some music. Katie walked around hoping to find someone who could tell her what's going on.
Yeah, sure ^^
OOC: That's maybe why she ran to him... BIC:Roxas smiled at Xion and sat to a chair feeling a little more tired. He watched Xion for a moment, but then got up and walked to the door. "I'll be in my room, so if you need anything just call." He said and stepped outside. Katie watched as the man ran away from her. "He better keep away from me or he'll be in serious trouble." she mumbled. Men like him made her start dating girls too. But she called herself bisexual 'cause she knew that there was some nice guys out there. She had just met far too less of 'em. Most men she had met always thought they were stronger than women. Katie made most of those guys change their mind. But even beating the crap out of some of 'em, didn't make them any different.
D: Schools in Finland have a 10 week vacation.
1. Roxas 2. Saïx and Zexion 3. Demyx and Larxene
I'll add ya ^^ Bic:"Now that you mention it I do feel more tired than usually, but I can at least walk, for now." Roxas mumbled and almost walked pass Xion's room. "Oh, here we are." he said opening the door. He walked next to Xion's bed and dropped her there. Katie stared at the young boy. She started disliking him from the very first moment he opened his mouth. Calling her Sais toys?! How dare him! He was the one carrying a giant key. She decided there was only one thing to do. Make him know that she isn't someone you can piss off. She ran as close to him as she could get and put one of her Sais next to his throat. "Hey, brat from the 'light', I suggest you show a little respect. My sais can slice your head off in a second, and you wouldn't be the first one I send to the hospital, or grave, from disrespect toward me." she said having her lips close to his. She pushed the boy away and glared at him angrily.
I'd shoot to wound him. I don't think I could kill anyone except if I'd really, really have to.
"Uh... I don't know..." Xinia mumbled feeling a little bit stupid to agree in the nobody's proposal. Well she was a nobody. She couldn't feel anything. "You decide."
There's a user called RoxasChick in deviantart.... I think that's from her...