Roy was still walking around the castle when she bumped in to a girl running out of class. "I highly recommend you to watch where you're going" Roy said strictly.
Finland. .
After class was over Roy walked around the school to make sure everything was going okay.
OOC: Yeah, he looks veery girly. *became a severus fan after the seventh book* Bic: ... OOC: Cant think of anything... ^ This
Connecting to server... You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: Yo yo *****! Stranger: sup moneyyy You: I'm Billy. What about you? You: Are you Billy? Stranger: I wish I were You: I ate the Billy. Stranger: the billy goat? You: No. You: My friends sister told me I ate lil' Billy... You: In my dream... Stranger: Did you see that episode of the cosby show where all the guys were pregnant in a dream? ****ing comedy gold
Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: 27 . M . S.KOREA You: Okay... You: Eh... You: Hello... Stranger: hi Stranger: asl? You: 26, female, finland Stranger: wow Stranger: cool........................ Stranger: really? You: Yeah. Stranger: cool Stranger: nice to meet you Stranger: i wanna go there Stranger: finland Stranger: how is that? You: Cold... Well in the winter. Stranger: hm You: In the summer it can be pretty warm. Stranger: good~~~ Stranger: what do you do? Stranger: working? You: I'm a teacher. Stranger: wow Stranger: cool.... Stranger: do you have a boyfriend? You: Nope, I'm single. Stranger: why Stranger: you like single huh? You: Why am I single? Stranger: i hate single... but i am single T.T Stranger: do you have a MSN? You: No. Stranger: wow Stranger: so you don't have any contact on Internet....... Stranger: so sad..... You: No... You: I'm not very often in the internet anyways. Stranger: ok ok You: My friend told me about this so I checked it out. Stranger: then Stranger: there is no future in this chatting to me...... Stranger: bye then Stranger: have a nice day.... You: Yeah, yeah. You: Buh-bye Stranger: bye~ ^ All lies!! Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: howdy partner? You: Howdy. Stranger: guy or gal? You: Gal. You: You? Stranger: guy Stranger: me from texas Stranger: u? You: Me from Finland. Stranger: awwwwwwww Stranger: horny? You: You bet. Stranger: send me ur pic Stranger: il send ma penis pic Stranger: live photo Stranger: .............. Stranger: ................. Stranger: .............. Stranger: ........ Stranger: ....... Stranger: . Stranger: . You: You: I'm gay. You: I dun wanna see your penis.... You have disconnected.
Connecting to server... Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! Stranger: hi! can you fall in Love with some one who you've never met? Stranger: just chatting or speaking with him? You: Of corse I can ;D You: asl Your conversational partner has disconnected. Trying to see if this guy would of wanted to rape me...
He's not a he-she! D: Bic: Katie walked back to the common room, took out a good book and went to it's world. Roy was taking notes of a spell they had to learn.
No xDx For being stupid when I woke up.
"Over here" she said and started walking to the dungeons. After walking for a bit Katie pointed to the potions class room. "It's over there. Snape's kinda mean but just go to your 'happy place' and you wont notice him." she giggled. "I'll meet you with Isabella at the Gryffindors common room at seven after our astronomy lesson, 'kay? Well buh-byeh!" she said cheerfully, showed the peace mark and walked away. "God it feels nice breaking the rules" she mumble. OOC: We're sisters -.-' Well bye!
"Hmm... I dunno..." Katie mumbled, but after a few seconds she smiled cheerfully. "Okay, but you should ask my friend Isabella's help. She likes to... Um... Ignore rules." Katie laughed a bit. "Well you had potions now right?" she asked looking at her watch. "You might already be a bit late. So I'll show you to your class room." OOC: Yeah, I noticed... But I have to leave now... Divy wants the computer ^^
"Ah? Oh he... He's Roy Clayper. He's in sixth grade and is his house's prefect and Quidditch team captain. Also he's damn scary. Seems like he can catch everything bad you're doing. He once caught me trying to sneak some food from the kitchen to have party in my house. And trust me. It's far worse to have to deal with him and his scary glaring then detention." Katie sighed. "Anyways I'm Katarina Fiara. Just call me Katie. I'm in Gryffindor, if you didn't notice it already." she said.
The Jetset Life Is Gonna Kill You - My Chemical Romance
OOC: Yeah and he can be really scary. He's in the Mafia! Err... Not really... Just been watching Katekyo Hitman Reborn too much -.-' Katie turned her head to them and shyly mumbled: "Oh... Y-yeah..." After shaking her head once trying not to seem too shy she smiled and said: "I'll show it for ya" She gave one more look at Roy who was know more interested in studying then giving scary looks at her. "Thank god" she mumbled.
OOC: Um I can make them meet Roy, but he wont get in detention. But Katie can get in trouble. Hmm... If you make them walk past the Charms class they could meet Roy and Katie can come there too or something... Bic: Katie had eaten her breakfast and was walking around the castle. She was walking past Charms class and saw Roy. The sixth grader prefect. He had caught her in trouble last year and damn he was scary. He had this angry look which made her want to run away. Katie peeked at his face and saw the same look. "Scary" she mumbled quietly.
Sakura addiction Sakura saku maiochiru Nani mo nai boku no te no ue Hakankute yasashikute Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana Itsumo no kaisatsu wo Surinuketeiku ano ko wa sou Kagayaku me wo shite Mainichi nanika tsukami totte yukun da Boku wa to ieba Nani mo nai mainichi kurikaeshite Hieta kokoro motte sa Hana hiraku shunkan sagashite me wo tojiru Sakura saku maiochiru Nanimonai boku no te no ue Hakankute yasashikute Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana Yogoreta supaiku nara Kokoro no oku nishimaikonda Kore de iin da yo to Sugiyuku haru no nigemichi sagashiterun darou Nakushite akirameta boru Mitsukete kureta no wa kimi deshita Haru ga kuru sakihokoru Gurando ga kaze ni yureru Fumishimete nakidashita Koboresou kimi mitai na hana Koko ni aru wasuremono Tori ni kita boku no te no ue Hakanukete yasashikute Kowaresou kimi mitai na hana
Roy was leaning against a wall next to the classroom waiting for the teacher to come. He looked around to see if someone from his class was late.
Katie woke up and took a look at her clock. As she saw that it was almost nine she jumped up cursing. She quickly got dressed and grabbed on to her time-table. One look at it and she did a moan and fell back on her bed. She didn't have classes starting in awhile 'cause she wasn't in arithmancy or divination. After awhile of trying to sleep again she got up and walked to the common room. She took a look around but didn't see anyone she knew really well so she went to get some breakfast. Roy had already eaten his breakfast and was now on his way to Charms class.
You know what's best in Euros? You can dip the in melted chocolate and eat it :lolface: ... Sorry just woke up XDX
Someone else in the third grade Gryffindor girls 8D 'Fine for me, I'll just put Roy to bed ^^ Bic: Roy looked around the room and noticed that almost everyone had gone already and it was getting pretty late. He put a bookmark in his book and walked up to bed. Katie saw Isabella coming up and mumbled something like a 'good night' and fell asleep.