Mya didn't really say much as she fell asleep in his arms. Sasha looked at the floor, not knowing how to respond.
Mya nodded and closed her eyes, feeling a bit sleepy. Sasha held his hand, not noticing his hands were shaking. It's my fault. I should stop interrupting your missions and mind.
Mya smiled. I can't. Sasha shrugged and sat on her bed.
OOC: Ignored :< BIC: Mya sighed. No use arguing since they won't change their minds. She followed Zelos and Kisa out the room. So I suppose we should start cleaning up?
OOC: Sorry for not posting. I'm terribly addicted to this video game 8,D BIC: Mya purred lightly. Well, I could use some relaxation. Care to join? Sasha stepped into his room. So how did it go?
Mya also heard the footsteps. She was glad that someone noticed them, but then was a bit worried. What if that person tried screwing up their minds again and throw them somewhere else?
The commander turned around and then nodded. Good. With these two, negotiations will be on our side. Grey turned and examined Sinder and Zerci, but had little intrest it them and turned towards Sasha's house.
Sasha closed her eyes. I don't even know what to do. Maybe they'll leave before we do.
The firing stopped all of a sudden and then 2 people appeared from the crowd of troops. One was a military looking man while the other was in a gray cloak, hiding his face. The general pulled out a loudspeaker. This is all a warning shot. Come out. We would like to negotiate. Sasha frowned. Negotiate my @ss. They burned down my village and then blow up half of my house. She sighed. Either way, they stopped trying to kill us. Get up guys. Let's hear what they want.
Sasha looked out the window. Well here's what we are going to do right now. Take some cover. Just as she said that, the wall exploded and bullets rained into the building. Mya jumped behind a desk while Hark grabbed Leyna and pulled her aside from the line of fire. Sasha calmly stood up. We're gonna have lots of company. She brushed off dust from her clothes and looked outside, seeing a burned village and thousands of troops approaching their area.
Mya smiled. Thanks. She sipped some of t and looked at Sasha. Anything else for us to do? Sasha shook her head. You have all proved yourself. There is nothing else for me to teach you.
Accepted Midnight :3 Please read the rules again Heartless 83
OOC: I'm gonna close this RP because either people left without telling me or they completely forget about this RP. Either way, this RP is moving too slow. I'm sorry, but this seems like the best choice.
Mya smiled. Yea I remember you too...I thinkthats the only thing I remember. Why is all of this happening? I don't understand...She walked over to the door and pushed it, but it didn't move. She pushed it harder, but still stood firm. She then sighed. Guess were stuck here for a while.
O yea. I forgot, but can you make the age a bit higher? At least 18 sorry ^^"
Mya smiled and closed her eyes. Hmm. That's why you're here right? Sasha knocked on Zee's door. Zee? You in there?
Mya sighed and slumped into her seat. Maybe I should relax. Sasha headed over to Zee's room, wondering if he was back.
Mya turned around quickly and backed up. What? How did you get here? I should be asking you that myself as well. She quickly straightened herself up and walked towards her. She really didn't seem like a threat in her mind. My name is Mya. How I got here I don't know. All I remember was being knocked out.
Yea that can work :3
Mya shrugged. Probably not. I'm sure they're as clueless as us.