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  1. heartless_angel
    Mya watched them retreat, then sheathed her knife back on. She walked over to her bow and slung it over her shoulder. She then walked back to Shiira and Grey. Well that wasn't too much of a challenge was it?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 4, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. heartless_angel
    Mya stepped out and approached them. Hey is everyhing alright? I heard lots of shouting.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. heartless_angel
    Mya jumped at the shout of Zee. What's with him? She pulled on her cloths and peeked outside.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. heartless_angel
    Mya reached out for the area where Zane was supposed to be, but opened her eyes when she felt empty air. She sat up and looked around. Huh. Where did he go?

    Sasha was still asleep, dreaming about her and Zee on a boat watching the sunset peacefully.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. heartless_angel
    Mya yelped in surprise as the wires wrapped themselves around her. H-hey! Let me go! She struggled out of its grasp, but it was no use. She then felt herself weakening and dropped her gunblade. Wh-what is this feeling? I feel like my strength and soul is being sapped away. She then blacked out.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. heartless_angel
    The answers Alice spoke only gave Mya even more questions. Chosen? Angels? Why was she and Abby chosen? They didn't do anything spectacular or earth-changing. She decided to ask her later. Y-yes. That's all the questions I have for now.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. heartless_angel
    Mya stumbled about in the earthquake and then looked back at Shiira to be swarmed upon. She fired a volley of arrows at the monsters knocking all but three down. Then one monster pounced on Mya and knocked her bow away. Mya kicked the creature off of her and jumped up, whipping out her knife and slashed at the monster.

    OOC: Yea I have no clue what these "monsters" are. Forgive me if I used the the wrong way D8
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. heartless_angel
    Mya looked at Sasha. Give me a syringe.

    Sasha nodded and handed her a needle. I won't object Mya, but I don't like this idea.

    Mya stayed silent as she drew blood into the syringe. Sasha sighed. She told the others that their weakness was the protection of others. She could suffer for it. Mya then tossed the blood-filled syringe to John which he caught and smiled. Thank you. We're moving out! All the soldiers started to march out. The hooded man gave the group a look that sort of showed sympathy then followed the soldiers out.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 3, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. heartless_angel
    Mya stepped outside to confront the general. Alright general. I'm here.

    The general scratched his head. Please, call me John. Now for the truce. I have called the truce for one thing. I want a blood sample from you. That's it for now.

    Mya frowned. For now? There's more later I suppose. And what in return?

    John smiled. I'll keep the peace between us until we figure out the thig. Also this. He tossed her a bag which Mya caught. The bag was owned by Exik. What the hell do you know about Exik?

    John chuckled lightly. All I know was that he was killed by his own daughter. She must've had some daddy issues.

    Mya's eyes grew blood red and made a low growling sound. She knew he wanted to piss her off. Is that it?

    John nodded. Yes. Now I'll allow you some time to think about this decision. He sat down on a chair and waited patiently.

    The gray hooded man (it's covering his face btw) sat down as well, but had an impatient mood to him.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 2, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. heartless_angel
    Mya shuffled in her sleep and nuzzled Zane.

    Sasha was still fast asleep.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. heartless_angel
    Sasha smiled and cuddled close to him. That's good. I could use some rest.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. heartless_angel
    Mya noticed the connnection between Sinder and Zerci. She then looked over to Hark. Thank you Hark. I suppose we should head over and see what they want I suppose?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Mar 1, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. heartless_angel
    Mya stared at the girl named Alice. Paradise? Where is exactly Paradise located at? How did we even get here? She had so many questions to ask the girl, but didn't know where to start.

    OOC: Short :<
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. heartless_angel
    Mya stared at Zerci. You saved Sinder right? Thank you. May we ask for your name?

    Hark flew back into the building. I'm back. According to my vision, they have an army of a few thousand. Some IFVs too. The guy in the frog looks like the commander of the army. Then there's some strange gray hooded man. Either way, they're getting a bit restless. They're gonna want an answer soon.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 28, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. heartless_angel
    OOC: Haha I totally loled at the "OH HELL NO" part XD

    BIC: Mya heard the back door open and turned around to see Sinder and a strange girl. Sinder! What happened to her?
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 27, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. heartless_angel
    Sasha smiled and shook her head. No I'm fine. Probably just tired.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. heartless_angel
    Harm nodded and flew around, staying out of sight of the enemies.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. heartless_angel
    OOC: Well I didn't see a question in your post, but whatever I'll post something.

    BIC: Mya sighed. Well according to past experiences, there's a high possibility that they'll ask for me.

    Hark turned around and headed for the back door. I'm gonna take a look around and see what's going on outside without being seen.
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 26, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. heartless_angel
    Mya put on a small smile. More than any of us? Heh you're on! She started to fire arrows rapidly and with extreme accuracy as each arrow shot hit its target somewhere on each monster.

    OOC: Short 8(
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. heartless_angel
    OOC: Gonna bump this since no one seems to be responding >>"
    Post by: heartless_angel, Feb 25, 2011 in forum: Retirement Home