What's the need for speed when I can hit hard or take enough hits to win? The closest thing to 252 Speed EVs is Blaziken, and her defense is ****. Plus I don't even use her in casual battles.
I am hella okay with this.
I really like this. It's a great way to continue RSE. However, my only complaint is that Brendan is usually associated with Swampert, as is Ruby in Adventures. But otherwise, I'm really liking this.
I don't want either of those. I'm too nice to be a dark-type, and I'm not an Absol at all lol
Even if it did, Flareon has Flash Fire! Fire from trying to be burned would power it up!
Alright, I'm game. Note that Dark-types are my favorite and Absol is my signature.
Reserving: "Ibu" from Ibuki Mioda, "Ki" from Ibuki Mioda, "Mio" from Ibuki Mioda, "Da" from Ibuki Mioda. That's her- Ibuki Mioda! (Super Dangan Ronpa 2: Farewll, Despair)
Since Myst is gone, I've been given permission to take: Nonon Jakuzure (Kill la Kill)
Dude I didn't even Super Train until the last part of the game My Pokemon all gained their EVs naturally in my playthrough :V
The Dome Fossil and Flareon are the true saviors
I think his tumblr is alwaysprepared.tumblr.com I deleted my old blog that I followed him on so I'm not sure if it's still that
We should totally battle when you're done.
Saw the third trailer. I'm hype. Sinister Six looks like it'll be amazing. I also caught a glimpse of what looks like a glider, and Peter screaming. Gwen was also wearing a very familiar outfit...
Reserving: Jesus Bird The King The False Prophet All-Terrain Venomoth
Get your eyebrows out of here
I don't ship it I HELECARRIER IT Catenzo
Eyyyyyyyy yyyyyyyyyy
I hate you all for doing this to my thread
Did I say CURRENT event? Why would I ***** about something like that? I mean I get I complain but wow not even me guys >:c
She didn't hack it in, it's an event.