Sayaka is fitting for Jayn Now I just fear her more ;~;
Too bad Leonardo DiCaprio isn't on KHV...
I was expecting to be little green with a sword Not disappoint because it lives up to my namesake
If I don't get Nonon from Kill la Kill I'm going to be disappoint
They gave Flareon Flare Blitz in Gen VI, yo Who's useless now?
I will be praying to Goddess Krista Lenz for thee
No your pink is fine, it's the dark pink. You used the dark one in a thread and the regular in all the others
Cal's dark pink text hurts Ibuki's eyes. Ibuki just wanted Cal to know.
Vaporeon is a badass. I dare anyone to try and take mine out with one hit. Seriously. He took an Earthquake from a mega Mewtwo X while he was at 90 HP and lived on 1 HP, then proceeded to **** that Mewtwo's ****.
Well that's something I've always been told I'm good at, tbh. My mom wanted me to be a fashion designer because of that and I'm like "Mom I'm not...
Pardon me, you spelled Garchomp wrong.
Ahh that means a lot because I've never been good at graphic art! And are they? I actually custom make my Dangan Themes with renders and stuff...
Thank you, friend! I try to put a lot of work into my presentation.
HeartGold is 10/10. White and White 2 can be skipped though since they have a good plot, but are rather boring in my opinion.
It was thought they did, but Battery Bird, our wonderful Zapdos, is still with us.
So I won a Pokémon Giveaway on tumblr and ended up getting to pick three legends. Naturally I took home Arceus, Mew, and a Shiny Rayquaza.
Another thing about this: there is a theory that this Shinigami Light's reincarnation. So that would be cool to see.
Am I the only one who remembers the unnamed Shinigami in an OVA and the girl at the end of the manga? What if said Shinigami, who paid off Ryuk to tell him Light's story (Ryuk also told him to find an interesting kid and have a wild ride) gives the girl a death note and she becomes Kira? That's what I'd love for it, personally
I recommend Technician and Bullet Punch, plus Night Slash, Iron Head, and X-Scissor. You'll kill.
"Ibu" from Ibuki Mioda, "Ki" from Ibuki Mioda, "Mio" from Ibuki Mioda,"Da" from Ibuki Mioda. That's me- Ibuki Mioda!