I think it would look kinda cool.
So after finally catching up, I saw episode 22 on Thursday. I just. I can't find anything wrong with this anime besides the explained fanservice. Favorite characters are Satsuki, Nonon, Omiko the Tennis Captain, and Nui. I also really love Mako's Family and of course, our main two: Ryuko and Senketsu. At first I was really reluctant because of all the fanservice, but I got over it and this quickly topped Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood for me. The characters are all amazingly designed and characterized. In fact, they do it so well that in Episode 17 when Spoiler Satsuki back stabbed Ragyo it made total sense and I wasn't surprised. Ragyo is one of the best villains I have ever seen in any anime, alongside Nui. Also my favorite track is Blumenkranz don't even get me started.
"I don't want a Frozen sequel" Too ****ing bad http://www.broadwayworld.com/article/Disneys-Bob-Iger-Talks-FROZEN-Sequel-Broadway-Show-20140113
Once again, it's not specifically about themes. Please keep up and pay attention, because I stated that in my first reply it encouraged me to make the issue I had public, but it's not the reason I feel this is an issue. I just genuinely feel it's a long time, especially with the excess wait time there is often, but I do understand what is being said and that perhaps it is too often now, in which case I happily concede and admit it's fine as is, despite me always knowing who is who. I understand that not everyone is like that. This can remain open if anyone else wants to input and has better ideas or w/e, but I do now realize it's probably not a good idea.
While that actually DID give me the push to come out with the suggestion, it's really not that. I mean, admins don't even usually get to name changes right away, there have been times where I've waited like an extra week just to get a name change, so that already made it longer than the wait time, if that makes any sense. Two weeks just seems like a really long time to me for something as simple and easy as a name change, and then there's the fact that the admins have lives and don't always get to them right away makes it even longer than it needs to be. If a week is too short, I'm willing to compromise and go halfway with other suggestions, but as it stands, two weeks is too much of a wait time to me for something that can take up to a week at times.
We saw Monomi at the end of the whole thing, so that was definitely a teaser. And if they do make a Super Dangan Ronpa: The Animation, I pray it's longer, because the characters in SDR2 are much better than the ones in DR and deserve more time.
Yessssss That would be hella cool. So cool it's Frozen.
Why does everyone keep changing names to stuff I like when I can't change usernames? I sense a conspiracy against me.
Llave man Gimme like two weeks and I'll revert to Elsa~
Voting for @DigitalAtlas is the only way to go.
Omg little sis Cal! Congrats!
I've watched it five times. Well ****, looks like I'm incredibly gay. Time to find me a man to kiss.
I made a Nui Harmie tumblr for RPs I'm going to regret this aren't I?
Don't get me wrong, a lot of the VAs are really great. Off the top of my head, Kyoko Kirigiri, Toko Fukawa, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Celeste Ludenberg, Kiyotaka Ishimaru, and Junko Enoshima have really great sounding VAs that fit. Bryce Papenbrook as Makoto Naegi is also rather good even if he's on the low end of the spectrum of the good VAs. But as a game, it plays fabulously and is really well-done. The trials are imo the best parts because of the rhythm genre Bullet Time Battle Minigame.
[color=yellowgreen]My mistake, if anyone posts today, they can just make like I noticed all of them, and I'll edit my post as soon as I can.
So my friend's been letting me borrow her PS Vita to help her with some of the Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc investigations and trials, and as much as I respect and value the voice work in this game... Good god, they suck at showing emotions. I see angry talk sprites, and hear sarcastic voices. And instead of a rich prick who thinks he's hot ****, I see a rich prick bored of himself. tl;dr They have little emotion and people have told me I do better work as Byakuya Togami when I just voice him on a tumblr ask blog.
No, we won't let you say that. It's against the rules. Don't make me get Disciplinary Committee Chair Ira Gamagoori out here.