Search Results

  1. krayzie
    So which one do you think is better?
    1. Heartless
    2. Nobodies
    3. Unbirths (they are new and from BBS but some pics have been released and i personally like them and think that they look funny)

    dam i really cant decide >.<
    they are the best
    Thread by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009, 34 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. krayzie
    Unbirths. Who are they and how did they come to be?
    dont know if a thread about this was made but if so i could not find it so please dont penalize me over it
    i simply want to know about unbirths and how they were created
    thank you
    Thread by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. krayzie
    wow very nicely done
    the sky and the water look so realistic
    and the chairs (especially in the second one) came out really good and stand out a lot
    and that light around the moon showing its shine came out good too
    nice job
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. krayzie
    that would be awesome
    and a high tech iron man key would be a classic
    i really hope that they make marvel a part of kh
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  5. krayzie
    well i would prefer a darkness form like riku but i guess i'd be a heartless like kurt siza, or the phantom and if i had to be a regular one i'd be a neoshadow
    and if i had to be a nobody i'd be the ones with the big hammers
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. krayzie
    yeah it'll be awesome to fight venom alongside spiderman
    and etc
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  7. krayzie
    how i cant skip scenes
    and goofy and donald just wasted my items and barely helped
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. krayzie
    does anyone have a code not for all the ship blue prints but for the actual ships?
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  9. krayzie
    hey why did my post get deleted?
    well reposting it
    the movie looks awesome i cant wait for it
    it looks really good specially that racing thing
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 4, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. krayzie
  11. krayzie
  12. krayzie
  13. krayzie
  14. krayzie
  15. krayzie
  16. krayzie
  17. krayzie
  18. krayzie
    Profile Post

    that ****in ***** y?

    that ****in ***** y?
    Profile Post by krayzie for Cloud of darkness, Sep 4, 2009
  19. krayzie
  20. krayzie
    Profile Post

    even you?

    even you?
    Profile Post by krayzie for Cloud of darkness, Sep 4, 2009