alrigh brb
do i need the battle flag for it?
ok so should i check every replacement with every boss digit? or with just one?
forget it i'll test them now but like its it suppossed to relocate the boss or take me to the place were you fight him?
ill tell you the results tomorrow wats a tweak anyways?
its dumb if you want respect earn it the right way or you'll eventully be exposed and considered scum, etc
all of them?
some is true but i dont think that it affects us that much
got any new play as codes that need testing?
hard one i'll go with Venom
well good luck and have fun enjoy your life
i will brb EDIT: BSOD
still i dont like judging myself high makes me feel conceited and i hate that feeling
so has it been tested yet?
its amazin! very well done indeed! is it possible to show the front side instead of the backside again wen he changes directions?
i know what it means so sayin that i've proven you wrong is conceded oh please you know you are and no im not i never say stuff like: oh im...
i mainly attacks and used magic and summons
so im conceited? i dont know were you got that from you are stubborn cuz you never admit you are wrong i admit it you said yourself that you...
first everyone is different and seeing how you are i disagree with your way of living and being big time i have proven you wrong problem is...
well wasnt the one in kingdom hearts 1 the original?