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  1. krayzie
    lol dam my bad lol
    glad you caught that
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  2. krayzie
    i thought about it before and heaven seems too good to be true
    and too unlikely
    i dont think that there is one but i wish there is
    as for GOD i guess that i gotta have faith and believe
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. krayzie
    Can some one please explain to me wat is so bad about necrobumping?
    your just reviving the thread because you find it interresting
    and yet if you start a new thread that has already been made people punish you for it but if you post in it you'll get in trouble too because its necrobumping if the thread is old
    seriously whats so bad about it?
    Thread by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009, 9 replies, in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  4. krayzie
    Play as riku (soul eater) first district
    10e0dc86 00003531
    10e0dc88 00003036
    10e0dca6 00003531
    10e0dca8 00003036

    Play as Leon (first district)
    20e43edc 00e0e8c0
    20e43ee0 00e0e8e0
    20e77db4 00e0e8c0
    20e77db8 00e0e8e0
    20487320 00000000
    20487324 00000000
    e004fdff 004dd49c <-- R2 atk animations 1,2,3,4
    21172a74 011bc1c0
    21172abc 011b9040
    21172ac4 011b6190
    21172ae4 011c2a00
    e004feff 004dd49c <-- L2 atk animations and power up
    21172a74 011bc1c0
    21172abc 011b9040
    21172ac4 011c2a00
    21172ae4 011c67d0

    Activate Leon Battle flag
    102B6574 00000003

    Fly EVERYWHERE R2 on joker L2 off joker
    E002FDFF 0035B55C
    002C2570 00000008
    002C0950 00000008
    E002FEFF 0035B55C
    002C2570 00000000
    002C0950 00000000

    Cloud replaces Leon (1rst district)
    10e0e8c6 00003131
    10e0e8c8 00003035
    10e0e8e6 00003131
    10e0e8e8 00003035

    People put the Play as Leon, Leon battle flag, fly everywere, and Cloud replaces Leon code to fight Cloud in first district playing as Cloud!
    but press R2 for the fly everywere code before moving or attacking or it'll crash!
    Trust me it'll work!
    i was messing around with codes and made that discovery!

    thanks to all of those who made this codes possible
    .'.'.'.'Pwnage Form.'.'.'.'
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  5. krayzie
    its suppossed to warn us about AIDS yet it uses Hitlers face
    thats wrong
    he's done nothing but destroy our world and fill it with hate and pain
    his face cant be used to show a good eample!
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Current Events
  6. krayzie
    i like honest trust worthy people
    i would want to hang with some lier who lets me down when i really need him/her
    i just really disagree with them plus their lying to seem cool could cause problems
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  7. krayzie
    well i picked kh2 but im getting to like RE: CoM a lil better
    specially since you can play as riku and use his darkness, and summon Cloud, etc
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  8. krayzie
    but will the enemies look like that too or like regular prites?
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  9. krayzie
    Xemnas should have been there
    it would have beeen awesome to fight him there too
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  10. krayzie
    nah your cool
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. krayzie
    post them!
    this site is awesome
    and dont worry you'll get the hang of typing pretty quick
    espcially here
    and in a couple of months here you'll know so much about kingdom hearts that it'll make your head spin
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  12. krayzie
    very nice!
    the quality is very high and they were very well made
    thanks for posting them
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. krayzie
    the joker from dark night
    hes awesome!
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. krayzie
    the spears
    they are awesome and can hit many targets at once, act as a shield, etc
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. krayzie
    man that was awesome
    very good!

    sora i'll test the rest of the codes
    its not like i have anythin to loose now that my codes are gone


    ok so results of boss replacements

    Leon replacements:
    Riku- freezes right before fight
    Sephy- BSOD
    Dark Riku- BSOD
    Cloud- WORKS!

    Cloud Replacements:
    Riku- Freezes
    Shephy- BSOD
    Dark Riku- BSOD
    Leon- WORKS!

    Leon- BSOD
    Riku- BSOD
    Dark Riku- BSOD

    so basically sephy and dark riku hate working on the PS2
    but at least we can fight cloud in 1rst district
    and it'll be more awesome doing it with the play as leon or riku code :)

    and as for the Cloud code reebok made
    its very impressive
    it works on the whole cup
    good job guys!
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  16. krayzie
    hey welcome jack sparrow
    nice to have you here
    have fun
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  17. krayzie
    well without gamblin i guess its alright
    theres no harm to it
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  18. krayzie
    well at least cloud worked
    and that has happened a bunch of times before
    but this time i lost way too many codes so im pissed

    great job!
    so do i just put that code or the fly anywere code too?
    is it in all matches or the cloud fight only?
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault
  19. krayzie
    hey im krayzie
    welcome and have fun
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  20. krayzie
    Leon fight:
    riku- he shows up but crashes when fight is about to start
    sephy- BSOD
    dark riku- BSOD
    Cloud- Works!

    Cloud fight:
    riku- he shows up but crashes when fight is about to start

    and well thats it cuz that fucking code messed up my codebreaker so now i have to delete the file (with all my codes) and start from scratch again
    forget this shit
    Post by: krayzie, Sep 7, 2009 in forum: Code Vault