YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL FINALLY!!!! ima make a thread about it!
ok lest see how things work out first
what?! by who?!
Zeta boards? wats dat?
dam ima post like crazy! lol
man i dont know let me calm down first im still heated
they can remove my premmy status?
Do you like building gummies? well at first i hated it but its so cool especially if you have all the upgreades and everything its awesome! i got mines from an existing gummy but upgraded it and i love it!
oh man well ill wait and this is awesome! i tried so hard and dude you are almost double premmy you got posts fast!
didnt you read the post? he said it was because you and sora were fighting and that we werent acting like admins which is bs cuz we were doin...
lol thanks but idk why im not yet
lol wen i logged on i had 983 posts i was like ''i have to get premmy now!'' lol it was hard to find threads to post in ill make a new thread...
thanks i repped you back but i have 165 rep and its no longer needed i dont know why im not premmy yet i worked so hard for it are you aiming...
forget it im done with that site! he said himself that he rebotted it because of some bad posts and admin behaviour but they could have easily...
i wish that i would have had new worlds you know like other disney worlds or they could add a final fantasy world
Older Sora would own him he's much stronger and skilled
man i recently went up against Zisa and the Phantom and i found the Phantom much harder! i couldnt beat him he does that countdown thing that kills you you gotta cast stop on the big clock to hold it but dam
in kh in the place where you go to fight Oggy Boogy i glide around so goofy and donald can fall off then i laugh as it takes them forever to get back up then i glide again to make them fall. again. wow i really didnt know that it would entertain me for hours lol
wow a final mix manga too? didnt see that comming still its probably very simmilar so i dodnt see much of a point in it
well for heartless fat bandits and for nobodies the ones with the big hammer i hate them >.<