dats a real shame it would boost iphone sales if it was for it too
wow i always thought of carey as the best coder now theres proof! i cant wait for it!
same i got premmy again hope that they dont delete more!
well its getting worse recently my grandpa saw a kid stealing a purse the lady had it in her hand and her husband was next to her but he got away
undam!? wow but it cant even be view it says it was disabled
i know it sucks!
do you have the link?
im tryin but i have to go in a couple of mins
i seriously hope not! wait if they are enemies them yes! it would make my day to beat them!
i would add more heartless and have allies so that it would be more fun and much better like leon and cloud since we only get them as partners once
i dropped a ton too! im tryin to post quick so i saty premium
sigh mines too
man i cant wait!
wel it is to me because i worked hard for it this is by far my most visited site
dude they are being mean for no reason!
you are! that post in the "brand new game" wasnt spam!
quick, stop being a *****
I cant wait for an episode full of those 3d sprites that rami_keyblade is working on
thanks ----------------------------------------------------------- man i just got a post deleted one that wasnt spam :( why are you doin this! why are you taking down a loyal member!
well thats because they are picking on me! besides im trying my best! i devoted a ton of time to this!