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  1. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    OOC- O.o.....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie peered curiously at the new comer. Yet ANOTHER boy? She had seen too many boys for one day...
    The sudden appearance spooked Lady, and she jumped a little, Her ears pinned, the whites of her eyes showing as she eyed the new comer.
    Nyxie just managed to get out of the spooked horse's path. "Woah there! easy, Lady.." She cooed and stroked the mare
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    "oh... I see..." She looked at Lady, who had lost interest in the convo, and was grazing peacefully.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie looked at her horse. "I dont know... I dont know if SHE even knows..."
    She looked into the dark brown eyes of her horse. She was so kind looking, so...... she couldnt picture her mare being... Evil!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora


    Nyxie paused. " her... Aura?"
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie looked lovingly at her horse. " Ive had this girl for a LONG time... She and I were friends since the girl was born 15 years ago." She answered, and stroked her mount.

    OOC- Cananda!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie giggled, and smiled. A heart.... This made Nyxie frown. Axel....

    She shook away the thoughts. You two are OVER Nyx, get over it! She scolded herself. A impatient snort escaped the horse, cathing Nyxie's attention. She patted the horse's nose, and planted a kiss on the top of the horse's head. Lady was really her only TRUE friend...

    OOC- Nyxie love the pony.....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie stopped in her tracks, her lower lip quivered. R-r-Roxas? She stammered, catching Axels attention. Youre in love with..... Roxas? She slumped to her knees, and let out a whine. She crossed her arms, and glared at her taller nobody companion, who was still standing. What does ROXAS have that I dont, Huh? She snapped, and covered her eys.
    Axel shook his head, and glared at Xemnas. It took all his power to keep from punching the man.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    "yes, I accept your offer...." She replied, and nodded.
    Lady head butted her owner, making Nyxie stumble foreward, but caught herself. She looked back at the mare, and gave her glare. Lady Nickered again, and rubbed her muzzled against Nyxie's cheek. Nyxie giggled and hugged the horse.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    "Oh.... her." Nyxie replied, and nodded. She could do that. She looked around. "Where is she?"
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie looked over at Vincent with the mares head cradled in her arms. Olivia? She asked.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie shot a look over at the girl. I doidnt Do ANYTHING! She snapped. Suddenly, a thought came across her mind. LADY! She looked over to the spot where she had left her. No Lady. Panic started to fill her.
    She raised her hand to her mouth, and let out a sharp, loud whistle. She really didnt care if the others heard. A louder, shrill whinny peirced the silence, and her paint mare came trotting up from a different spot in the creek. Nyxie sighed with relief.

    Little miss lady.... I was soo worried. Dont run off like that! She scolded. The mare nickered softly, and nuzzled her owner. Nyxie giggled and stroked her mare's neck.

    OOC- Thanks!
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    An...organization? She asked, slightly interested... Of what sort?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie smiled, and took the hand. watch yourself, Nyx.. She warned herself. She stood up. Thanks... I wouldnt have..... if Id known...
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AxelsNyxie
    axel looked curiously at the photos... what dirt did Zexion have on HIM?
    Nyxie tilted her head, and frowned. she knew Zexion had nothing on her....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AxelsNyxie
    Axel sighed and lay down, and rolled on his belly again.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie hung her head. I didnt know... there was another girl... She replied helplessly. She covered her eyes with her hands, and sighed.

    OOC-Uh... Nyxie has a paint mare that she rode down to the rock... do you guys think I could bring her in?
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie looked down at her feet. Maybe.. she could go... No. she shook her head. Let it lie. She didnt want these other girls at her throat either. She shifted position. Maybe she should talk to them... she thought better of that too....
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AxelsNyxie

    cold sora

    Nyxie looked on at the boy she THOUGHT she fell for. seeing him there, coughing blood, looking so helpless, at least to her. She felt a wave of sympathy shoot through her. She decided to stay put, the other girl was apparantly pissed at her, and Nyxie was in no mood for a confrontation at the moment.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AxelsNyxie
    Demyx scratched his head. Uhhh..... I forgot, i think.. He replied, and sighed.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Jul 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home