Axel nodded in fake acknowledgement. Yea... Me? Punishment? Riiight.... He replied, and progressed up the stairs.
OOC- Now whats going on? Everytime I get on, ive missed like everything... It makes me sad.... are people still talking to Nyxie or no? *cries*
Its really fun to say "pwnsome" for some odd reason... and Kilala....
Banned for having a sig pic thats too bright..... bright eyes not good for the Nyxie...
I SEE ME!!! *pokes my name*
I didnt like ti that much either... but it was the third post, so i had to post it.....
Okay, *runs off to read*
O.o I had managed to escape the images... But now i must escape them again... *runs from flying images*
Yea... I had a spaztic attack when I read the first post. Summer laughed.
Yes. Yes he is.... Thats why Nyxie hates him.
I know. and then the rest is just... blah. They just like leave Xemnas there... I can give you posts from when Nyxie runs into him in China town the next day... that was kind of interesting.....
Oh... All my friends are just as girlie as me, so we all like stampede into the store.......
Off Topic: repliku needs to quit making such long posts, lol.... ^.^ On Topic: I think you shouldnt have baby until you get a career going, and you are positive that you will be able to afford taking care of it... If you want to 'do it', be responsible about it......
O.o I see.... I like shopping for clothes... My dad doesnt like to shop with me because im sooooo picky, and, well, he has absolutly NO taste....
lol...... Did you read the other two chapters? They get more and more... err...interesting...... XD
Okay... this one scared me... this one is by Summer. MORE INFO: Xena has a winged fresian named No Name. So ya. This one is a bit more innapropriate than the last two, sadly... I kinda dont wanna post it... if its too bad, tell me *directed to admins/mods* But this is the final chapter....... well, enough rambling... Here.... Sorry for the content!!! Sorry again!! *huddles and hopes not to be killed*
I dun like xemnas... he scares me..... He reminds me of a rapist.... *points to story* AND THAT IS WHY!!!
Im a girlie girl.... I feel sorry for the boys who go shoppping with me... they always end up paying.....:D