Name: Nyxie Appearance: A skinny, curvy blonde of medium height. She has layered, strawberry blonde hair, and dark, liquidy brown eyes. She is tan, resulting from many hours out on the beach. Is usually seen with some artical of clothing with the playboy bunny on it....... Weapon: Nyxie isnt the 'fighting' type... thats why she has Axel!!!! Power: over artillary. Picture: Soon to come....
You KNOW i want Axel.....
I dont like it. But my little nephew does...
OOC- Nyxie stoled my necklace D:
Nyxie plopped down on the ground, and began to toy with her necklace, which was, unsuprisingly in the shape of the playboy bunny.....
Its fine. I mostly want AXEL to reply.... *rings a bell at Overload* XDDDDD
Overload plays AXEL!!!! *dies* Overload, you is me new best friend.
My post=ignored D:
I think we should throw that show in the riverXD No offense :D
Fine. I have NO idea what is going on, so im just gonna throw some random thing out there. Correct me if you must. Nyxie wandered around aimlessly, looking for someone to talk to. She couldnt help but notice Axel. She sighed. She had such a crush, but it wasnt meant to be. She was pretty, and she had curves, but she never had the courage to approach the guy she likes.
Anyone wanna fill me in??
*points* ITS AXEL!!! *heart attack*
Uh.. please tell me whats goin on.... And more importantly, where Axel has scampered off to..... xD
I WANNA JOIN!!!!! Name: Nyxie Age: 20 Weapon: None. Hair color: Strawberry blonde and layered. Persona: Fliryt, femine, has crushh on Axel.
Okies... My other Org roleplay didnt turn out too well... So i decided to make a new one. So yeah. In this one, you can claim ANY KH charri, and you can make your own as well. Also, the only thing thats different than my other one, your characters can have PETS *heart attack* RULES: I. A limit of four pets per character. Any more than that will be deleted. II. You need to use the form provided for your character, and the pet form for the pet. III. Please dont fight over characters. Its only a game. PERSON FORM: Code: [b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Skin tone:[/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Picture:[/b] [b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] PET FORM: Code: [b]Name:[/b] [b]gender:[/b] [b]Animal Type:[/b] [b]Breed:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] [b]owner:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] [b]Gender:[/b] [b]Skin tone:[/b] [b]Hair Color:[/b] [b]Eye Color:[/b] [b]Height:[/b] [b]Weight[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Picture:[/b] [b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b]
[b]Name:[/b] [b]gender:[/b] [b]Animal Type:[/b] [b]Breed:[/b] [b]Physical Description:[/b] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Likes and Dislikes:[/b] [b]owner:[/b]
Axel snorted. He turned to look at Xemnas, a smirk on his face. It soon faded. If Nyxie comits suicide, its ALL your fault.... He hissed. Nyxie came skipping out of her room, and stuck out a tongue at Xemnas. Mansex, Mansex, I hate you... Mansex, Mansex, yes i do!!! She sung, and began skipping around the superior.
I went to, and he said that he was a pedofile, but only when it matters.... *shudders*
Nyxie's attention was caught by a loud BANG coming from somewhere. She stood up, and shot a worried glance at her red headed Pyro friend. Axel caught her glance, and sighed. He stood up slowly, and let him lead her to where she heard the bang. Nyxie saw one girl on the floor, and someone standing over her. The heck happened in here?
My EXACT question......