ya if u dont post the code that means ur lying
i have one of those codes Save w/ Map (Donald) 0RYM-ZMY3-DFTUF FEYZ-YDCD-XWU8B the r2 code for goofy to be replaced as sephoroth i dont knnow but i do have a code for him to be in ur party do want it
hey i just got off the kh2 pal codes thread and this member named ryan said hes supposably is playing as riku in twtnw and i asked himif he was feeling ok cause theres no way hes playing as riku go che ck it out on the last page of kh2 pal codes
no there could be one but it's more of a 20% chance and it would be real glitchy
dude r u feeling ok theres no way ur playing as riku
i really wish there were new codes do u need any codes converted/tested
i doudt that there is a cloud moveset but there could be one but if there is one it'll be real glitchy and freeze or ull get a bsod
ya i know but its one code and he was nice about it so if anyone needs a code converted please pm instead of posting here cause it causes chaos
here u go =) Pikmin size mod challenge mode QWY5-EFYE-EU68J M8RW-QHGK-X6QJA GYMJ-DZU8-533KQ 6AA6-0TQ3-P0JT4 GYMJ-DZU8-533KQ 6AA6-0TQ3-P0JT4 GYMJ-DZU8-533KQ 6AA6-0TQ3-P0JT4
no not that the atacks that he did they were like the final forms and ive used the moveset mod for final forms abilities for normal sora but he didnt attack like that
ohh i know y i put http:// 2 times here this one should work:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXKKaQ51oTU
ok tell me if this link works http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXKKaQ51oTU EDIT how come when i post links they dont work?
ill test them put ill do it tommarow cause i dont know about u guys but its 11:30 pm by me ohhh and evil did u watch the link i posted?
i dont know just use my code it should work those codes work real good but whats the extra code to do this is ?http://http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXKKaQ51oTU
i just edit my post its right above urs
let me go converted it and see what i get be back in a minute EDIT:i got this for raw 10340B7C 0000806D and this is what i get for ar max B1VV-2TQM-9489V ZKE2-F0Y4-A6BF9
thanx!ill test it later red sonic-it just gives me 2 soras what do i do?????????????????????????
how about master form with glide abilitiy hey red sonic ur code just gave me to soras instead of riku can u tell me what im doing wrong
dang i hate that oh well do u have any other codes
u do know that sepheroth cant be an ally and does the kh1 sora have short shorts cause i hate that at the begining of the game sora has real short shorts that looks sooooo nasty