i know that i was just wondering if there was a code for that.guess not =(
i've been thinking and is there any hacked codes for this game like play as super sonic in every lvl?
u would probably get bsod but u never know but im pretty sure it wont work but that was a good theory =)
not even close =( sry
what do u mean?do u mean like using a move set mod cause i didnt mean move set mod its more like a color mod (i hope that made sense to u)lol
RYAN STOP TALKING BULL S***! u lied about that code unless ur talking about when u play as him in the final battle
hey whats the code to be normal sora but have the suit/color of his drives.
MY FAV IS WIT OUT A DOUBT FINAL FORM!i got it at twilight town and my most hated form is wisdom i absolutly hate it!and i know this sounds wierd but normal sora is better than every form cause if ur at lvl 7 u get most of the forms abilities and more but if i wasnt counting normal sora final would be my first pick
oh i got it to work now hey do u know the code to make normal sora have his drive form colors i hope that made sense to u lol
i saw a youtube vid where sora wielded dark realm keyblade and he t-stanced but got out of it here's the vid:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ER5fUag4n_Y
k thanx im goona test it right now ill give u results in like 10 minutes EDIT: nope didnt work it made me t-stance when i pressed x
k im in no hurry =) thanx!
here: Sora wields Dark Realm Keyblade BGBT-U2ZP-KFD55 A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF ME6Y-CC6F-WT3GC 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN 7X5U-YG8Z-HWVH6 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N and yes i did have kingdom key equipped
i dont know that code but that one code for dark realm keyblade i tried it and it didnt work can u test it and see if it works for u?do u have that code?
whats the code i want to try
guess so hey whats the codes to have soras customs for normal sora i want to try
here its raw:Sora KH1 Costume 11C95618 000006C1 there is a code for all ways have a full party but i cant find it there is no riku replaced with a save point (that i khnow of) i know theres a code for 4 keyblades but i only know it for final mix
ill go look for those codes.and u dont need winrar after u download ar max as a desktop
ive always wundered this but is there a code to be normal kh2 sora but he has the color of his drive forms there probably isnt but im just woundering
ya thats what i was thinking cause ive tried over 20 play as riku in twtnw codes and not one works