will u guys STOP please guys enough no more if this continues the mod will close this thread.so please stop cause if this keeps up im gonna get a mod and i really dont want to do that =( k back on topic is there a code that lets mickey have the abilities he uses when he saves sora in a boss battle?
no u cant but that would be awsome if u could does anyone have anti form in their drive menu cause i do =)
hey is there a way to play as roxas and have sora as a party member? or how about roxas with way to dawn
i dont know thats y im asking i heard this game was easy to hack i wondetr if its true?
here u go =) All Abilities (Donald) Press R2 OUTSIDE MENU N91J-ZYWD-KJRQA BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG VK8Y-257A-10HDH MX4F-Y9ER-HZWPT MV97-AP64-8VC9Y 0UD0-4NPW-PGD85 TXBK-MWMH-0ATXB RBXJ-9MQ7-1HZ4W 1B9P-D6AD-HKUN0 5W2H-KMFT-16C07 Q6ND-BZMC-XCG29 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 All Abilities (Goofy) Press R2 OUTSIDE MENU QW17-QAJX-E87PU BW5G-Y4T9-ZM1VG QT29-DNM1-239DN MWNR-A9YZ-W46TQ QXB3-R6Q1-VE5WX REN8-3NRV-Z94VJ VZ66-MBPQ-2ZY8H E8AG-P0AC-P5EU1 P0AW-A9DG-3DU2K 5UXJ-9KE8-1JX2J 1V6H-5ZAU-5AR0N 03AH-5PBC-9K2T7 Play as KH2 Sora BWTW-NK6N-FR89Q AN7N-MCAT-8526R there r some enemies that can become ur ALLY for example u can have enemy axel in ur party which means he will attack u or u can have a code for ally axel in ur party which means he wont attack u but he will attack enimies NOTE:not every enimy can become ur ally only some can
OK WE ALL NEED TO CHILL!u guys common stop this its pointless arguements thats gonna prove what?well its not gonna prove nothing so lets just stay on track and stick to threads topic thanks to all the people that tested those codes to me =)
sry man dont know it u should ask when evilman is online and if i see him online ill ask him for u =)
ya can u test these kh1 sora (Sora slot) 11C95618 000006C1 kh1 sora drive mods valor 11CFA404 000006C1 wisdom 11CFA406 000006C1 master 11CFA408 000006C1 final 11CFA40A 000006C1 anti 11CFA40C 000006C1
lets just move on and forget about that arguement k =)
man i wish there were new codes hey is there a code for mickey with max jump and max quick run i already have glide max and and ariel dodge max so i was wondering if the soras other 2 drive abilities work for mickey
red sonic has a point i would be pissed if someone took the credit that i deserved
hey take that up with evil not me wow im surprised u actually post me back u usually ignore my posts LOL
red sonic CHILL OUT!since u want credit so bad y dont u name all the people including ur self and give them credit too!
awww come on what's the new code dont be like nomura and be all secretive about his projects LOL
transfer what?did u get my pm?
evil when's ur new vid comming out and can u please tell me what codes to expect
thanx but i was hoping for hacked codes like super sonic in every lvl
bsod=black screen of doom
they did? i didnt see it.but is there hacked codes
its for ps2