ok ill test it but if it doesnt work im comming after u!LOL
i know but what if that one is 2 long i already wasted 2 hours trying 2 put the first one in r u shure itll work?did u test it?
thanx hey i tried that play as all world characters raw code and it said i had 2 many codes activated what should i do?is there a smaller version?
k but can u make sure that the anti form with keyblade and anti form with reaction comands r jokers thanx
but thats not what i mean.i have anti form in my drive menu and i would like to fight bosses with but be able to revert when i want to what about anti form with reaction commands joker code and the anti form with keyblade joker code and did anybody ever post that code for all characters to be completly black?
lol ya me 2 i just found out that im the true kingdom key wielder sora was real pissed LOL im surprised that there isnt a code for that
hey guys whats up! is there a code that lets u revert from anti form while ur in a battle
i tested the t-stance riku and u cant be attacked so nothing lets u play as riku
this is total BS!i spent like 2 hours 2 put that code in and then it tells me u have 2 many codes activated can someone give me this code but smaller
i have the riku moveset that gives sora riku's voice and abilities but ill pm it 2 u 2mmorow oh and what does the HUD code do and how might it help?
godzilla-before i go 2 bed i want u 2 try this: use the t-stance riku code but befor that go to an area were there r heartless or nobodies and drive into final form then u turn into t-stance riku and let ur self be attacked and see if riku is unt-stanced and playable
im gonna go to bed see u guys tommorow!
nope still no riku and those codes r just t-stance
dude its no big deal we all make mistakes and look at the bright side i now know the world character code and i can watch cutscenes thanx!
lol so there is no code for that oh well
no u said there was a code that let u play as all world characters and u can use there abilities in one code and u said it was 2 lines.r u for sure ur feeling ok?
all i see is play as world characters and play as world characters (can watch cutscenes)
ultima sora theres no code on there for what were looking for i looked carfully
ok im gonna go check the site out and im nice enough to post it here when i get back.and r u sure it works? be back in a few
theres a code that lets u be all world characters and use their abilities?and its only 2 lines long?r u feeling ok? LOL