i remember awhile back that someone said there is a way to get into the realm of darkness.i dont think there is but maybe there is
nope havent missed a thing! just a couple of codes
special deliviery for doombringa23 here u go: Ally Cloud replaces Donald (does most of the fighting for you) FQRU-6Y5U-371BZ VH7V-YX1K-4JU7Q i gotta go c ya guys later!
no problem as for cloud replaces goofy i dont have it but i do have ally cloud replaces donald.do u want that 1?
here u go buddy =) Ally Leon replaces Donald NEYY-8BX8-NUUP4 FZYX-7JVK-JH287
i just posted that im done im not gonna start an argument here: Ally Leon replaces Donald 11C9561A 000008F2
SRY it was 1 of those things i had 2 get off my chest ok im done now
ok im sry for this post but this really might get jlhack7 pissed but ur mood fits u cause u r a B***H!
to bad i have NO REP TO BE DEDUCTED!and i didnt ask for rep i hinted at it.jeeze jlhack7 y r u always on my case!
ya i might be online later but for now im gonna get ready for bed ohh and ultim-sora i added to ur rep i sadly have no rep if only someone would give me some (looks at ultima-sora with big shiny eyes)
i know i saw it!that codes awsome can u post it please
how do i add animation to my signature? ooh and can u make me a sig that has roxas pulling out his 2 keybaldes before u fight axel 1.scene-the 4th day when axel is about to fight roxas and roxas takes out his two keyblades (make sure it doesnt show the part where axel makes a ring of fire around him and roxas) 2.time-i dont get the question? 3.size-like the one with roxas falling off the station tower that size 4.text-make it say DjC at the bottom in ice blue letters (make the size of the letters the same size for the animation u made for xx axel xx) 5.game- kh2 thanx!
khkid1212 arent u the one who made the all characters completely black code?
ow man i picked a bad week to let my friend barrow my knives kit LOL
EVIL! hows it going havent seen u around when is ur vid coming out ive been waiting forever!
haha im sry that was childish of me heres a more mature reply nanana i beat u to it (sticks out tounge)
RAW: Ally Cloud replaces Donald (does most of the fighting for you) 11C9561A 00000688 AR MAX: Ally Cloud replaces Donald (does most of the fighting for you) N9YQ-BDZJ-EV9G3 VH7V-YX1K-4JU7Q k
its the ar max version
wait now ur changing codes on me this is the one u said to use this one: 20340C9C 10010203 20340CA0 10010203 20340CA4 10010204 20340CA8 10010203 20340CAC 10010209 20340CB0 10010203 20340CB4 10010203 20340CB8 10010203 20340CBC 10010203 20340CC0 10101000 20340CC4 10010203 20340CC8 10010203 20340CCC 10010203 20340CD0 10010200 20340CD4 10010203 20340CD8 10010203 20340CDC 10010203 20340CE0 10010203 20340CE4 10010203 QQZ9-C19Q-W1AWG A525-BK0G-TN8T5 MVGZ-7CW2-P21VF N7MW-WT58-FZ8P8 5C3U-KP5T-MEPDN CDDP-BE00-YBDUR 4772-HP3A-NRNQ4 PD13-DPX6-YWG8A YNZM-RZKU-TGK1N
im not sure if itll work its still kinda long and the ar max one is shorter than the raw one