Xanatos looked at Phisoxa more intensely it seemed he had underestimated her "oh a very strange combination" he accuall thought he liked phisoxa she was the first person that had said anything to him in a long time "so what are you .... I am a heartless"
"huh who are you" he said twisting around and reforming into human shape "My name is Xanatos the living shadow"
occ sorry i didn't know Burble was off line Xanatos twisted away into the darkness finaly he rested in a dark corner
occ hey we are all here i think ...
the dark shape twisted in a spiral forming Xanatos he summoned his heartless broad sword and said with a frown on his face and eyes gazing at the woman that had apeared before him "Forgot that trick does work on Mericless ... It's not often I see one of your kind in the relm of light even if it is so close to the dark relm..." Xanatos shifted his feet very slightly ready to attack if nessicary "so who are you and what do you want?"
occ lets just say I have plenty of good reasons why I dislike using keyblades in most Rp's
Xanatos figured the cost was clear by now he had spent the night curled up in shadow form avoiding the nobodies that were hunting him down He walked down the black streets of the world that never was searching .... for what he didn't know but he could feel something about to happen soon... occ I will be editing my charater format
for villains in the next ones i should think Lizard man , Kingpin , Mysterio, and the Hunter [forgot his offical name] and maybe Electro or Vulture but doubting they will have those
"the keyblades are not here" said kardex "I have looked for them i can only assume it is because they could not have been left behind since they then returned into the posention of that boy .... I think it's sora at any rate keyblades are incredible unpredicable and those particular keyblades i think it would have been hard to weild both keyblades work in strange ways they are forged out of peoples memories and feelings... and hearts" he paused thinking all he had learned about the weapons at last he said "it is very hard for a normal person to wield a keyblade but it is almost impossible for a nothing without a heart too"
occ wait Xibar has guns..... do you mean Xaldin will edit post later "I wouldn't suggest it Ikki these weapons are not ours and furthermore they belonged to powerful nobodies I am afraid of the affect messing with there weapons will have"
Kardex watched Ximlan stop and said putting down the shield "Some thing wrong?"
Kardex shook his head "i have tried out all of these weapons before and this" he said putting down the book and picking up a large shield "is what i most feel related too" he said twirling the shield "but I have a feeling that book is more than just a weapon..."
kardex watched Ximlan for a while and then said "I see your here too... I was researching this book" he lifted Zexion's book and showed it to Ximlan "there is something strange about it..."
Kardex walked out of the training room stretching he had been training for over 10 hours and he thought he needed a break he walked into the kitchen took a soda out of the refrigerator and then walked around the castle looking for the other members
occ sorry have to go after a while the nobodies lost Xanatos' trail he thought to himself in the darkness "I am going to have to be more careful from now one"
Xanatos looked at Ikki with his piercing yellow eyes "I do not know any Phisoxa but if she is related to Xemnas in any way there will be hell to pay" he lifted his sword with one arm "what about you are with the Org?" But then Xanatos heard a sound he jumped up in the air and became a shadow. Then twisted off into the darkness pursued by two Dusk nobodies
Xanatos walked up to Ikki without a sound he shifted his broad sword ready to attack "I am looking for Xemnas... I am going to kill him"
Kardex yawned his breath freezing the air "I will look at the book tomorrow but i think i will go to bed" sleepily he opened a portal and then floped onto his bed after two minutes he rolled over and started snoring occ night all
"I don't know but I have seen it in a picture with one of the orignal organization members in it there seems to be no end to the pages they keep changing... Zexion that was his name he unlocked the power of this book"
a shadow apeared out of no where it twisted its way down the street and then spiraled up in a colum and formed into a person out of it a man stepped out who was tall and thin like a shadow and seemed oddly stretched his name was Xanatos and he is wearing a pitch black robe and his eyes glowed yellow, carried a broad sword over his shoulder he walked up to the castle his hair swaying slightly in the breeze as he steped toward the woods occ some one post please! oh and what world are you in... never mind you all logged off guess i will go too...