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  1. darkriku
    "X" Kinara yells running forward grabing X's hand and trying to pull him out of the darkness that had been siphoned off of kingdom hearts but there was too much and Kinara was too weak "X!" he yelled as the hand slipped out of his own "I am sorry" but then Kinara smelled and tasted something Darkness his eyes slowly blackened to Purple
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. darkriku
    OCC Phisoxa you can't see whats going on sorry but this is going to be important coming up brb in a couple minutes
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. darkriku
    the beam struck Kinara going through his heart. His eyes changed from a dark purple to a light blue "X.." he said getting up slowly "what have I done... Every one is gone because of me all of our friends from our world and now the Twilight Guardians How did the darkness grow so far into my heart" he sat up twitching occasionaly "It is so strong I can't fight it for long..."

    occ brb
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. darkriku
    Mickey Twisted swinging his keyblade at the heartless and shouted "pearl" a stream of light flooded from his keyblade "so what happened to Kinara? And where is Kingdom hearts?"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. darkriku
    occ your last post doesn't count phisoxa oh and I will be also rping as mickey for a little bit until the end

    a light apeared Next to Phisoxa "Sorry I am late I was held back for awhile" the light apeared into the king "what has been going on?" he summoned his golden keyblade to help fight the heartless
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. darkriku
    occ this next part only happens between X and Kinara no one can follow and I will tell you when you can post again and remember no one knows what happens in charater

    Kinara summoned large heartless that attacked the members of the TG while he lifted himslef onto the platform with the moon and door with X on it also he moved it far above the others so no one could interfere Kinara brought his keyblade down on X's spine "it all ends now my dream will come true perfection through darkness" he lefted his keyblade and the two Kingdom hearts , the moon and the door slowly came together through the darkness about to become one
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. darkriku
    the large black moon had moved right over the door of kingdom hearts a large colum began to conect the two Kinara laughed "looks like everbody is here what fun" Kinara raised his keyblade "I DO hate funerals they are SO boring so lets have an after party" Kinara raised the blade up in the air and dark comets came showering down from the sky
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. darkriku
    Kardex smiled at Phisoxa "remember when you thought you were going to give in" kardex breathed hard and coughed blood coming out of his mouth he started to fade a little faster "I told you that when you got your heart back I had a purpose I have served mine doing what I think it right... I fought for my friends and I fought for freedom... No matter what happens there will always be hope and thanks you guys are my only real family" he then faded away completely leaving behind only a small ice sickle shaped like a diomond
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. darkriku
    Kardex was lying on his back slowly fading "I want to talk to some one before I go... Phisoxa come here"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. darkriku
    Kardex extended all of his being into a single attack "Die Kinara" he yelled send all of his power into his spear and threw it at Kinara it stuck strait through Kinara and his body was covered in ice for a couple of long seconds it looked like they had won but then Kinara Burst through the ice scattering it every where and then he pulled out the spear and said "I think this belongs to you" he walked over to the weakened shape of kardex and pushed the spear into his stomach kardex began to fade "some one help me..."
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. darkriku
    "hahaha" he lifts his hand and a energy field comes out knocking back the weakened X "very soon I will fuse the kingdom hearts of men and the kingdom hearts of worlds and I will bind them together in darkness ensaring all worlds and things into the dark " A black heartshaped moon was positioned over a large white door they "But it is not ready quite yet I still have to fight you a little more"

    Mean while before the castle was moved

    Kardex struggled to his feet looking down at the two bodies "Tynoxahn and Xornadj you are both almost dead but I will help you" he said looking down at the two sleeping bodies "I will do my best to save them with the last of his strength moved them into sleeping pods that looked like large flowers "this should save you two" he pressed a button on a control planel and the two pods lifted out to space and then the world went dark "I did it I saved them just in time" he thought and then he walked outside to help the others "so this is the end of the world"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. darkriku
    Kinara smiled "Why thank you X you moved the planet for me you are incredibly helpful heroes are SO predictable" he looked around at the black landscape with floating white islands above them he flew above them "Your in my World now!"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. darkriku
    Kinara felt pain as the hundreds of attacks did damage to him "well X your turning into quite the hero... lets see how long can you save your friends when your whole world is falling apart" what he said was true magma was blowing up out of the world soon it would reach them Kinara laughed and sent a large attack down into the core and then Striking X in the chest with the keyblade "It ends now this is mine Kingdom hearts shall eclipse all worlds in darkness"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. darkriku
    Kinara is hit by the hundreds of moves and then dissapears suddenly and but then darkness comes back and reforms into Kinara "you think you can beat me?" a crackle of energy sparks into the air and then Kinara powers up a the entire world shaking bringing peices of ground into the air and the wind blows powerfuly "I am Kinara Lord of darkness" he then shot a huge chain of black lightning at phisoxa and then sends a large blast at X
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. darkriku
    occ sorry Phisoxa not in this thread... was a moment of stupidity meant Kinara said Xainkar because i have been talking to much about TG3 I have edited the post

    peices of ground was sent flying up in the air and magma bubbled to the surface kinara said "that fool is gone he was nothing an empty shell of something great I find it hard to belive you accually care for him"
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. darkriku
    *Sephorath music* Kinara apears behind X and swings the keyblade extremely fast striking into X's side and then aprears above and and sends down a huge collum of darkness that shook the whole planet
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. darkriku
    Kinara flew down bombarding the warfeild with massive dark bombs he then summoned a several huge heartless to attack all of the members of the TG "well X it ends tonight It is the barrior between light and dark the twilight " he charged at X with his dark keyblade knocking Phisoxa with it on his way then he jumped and swung it with all of his force
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. darkriku
    Kinara smiled coldly "did X slip out of control" he said "oh and still calling me father you are too stupid to know that the man I based you on was 6 years older than me he was a military genus and a excelent fight when he died i managed to save his heart and recloned a body and I got Zero I used you to kill my enemies but eventually you were struck down by the heartless and this is what is left" Kinara said remembering back to long ago
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. darkriku
    Kinara laughed "it's so easy to turn a weapon on his friends" he floated down from the sky "so X how are you feeling today, a good day really to die" he twisted his arm in the air and then made a pulling guesture all of the heartless were sucked out of X "I just wanted to make sure you were ready for our fight today"

    meanwhile Kardex had draged himself to the castle door step a little way from the battle and then he fainted with tiredness
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. darkriku
    Kardex picked himself off the floor wiping blood off his face and summoning his spear he readied his power for a great attack he sent out a wave of ice freezing hundreds of heartless in front of him then concentrating harder he smashed all of the frozen bodies into ice cyrstals and flung them at X and the heartless
    Post by: darkriku, May 6, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home