Listen I just want to say one thing for the whole banning its not like we have anything against you or we don't like you its that I feel that some times people don't meet the expectaitions we have for people that post I want very didicated Role players to join us not some one who will occansionaly join us or a person that just puts down a couple lines of slop each post I seriously want to cut down on the amount of spam posts and randomness in this thread ... because if one member is bad then your holding the rest of us back and its just easier to remove the problem and if we take away the problem I feel we have a very good story
not sure ... lets wait and give him more time to come back and post...
yah it has...
yah its kinda in the wrong section since he isn't new...
true but i think ours ended up with a thousand more posts than yours and don't worry from what i have made you will probably be in week 2
yah but I almost wish sora turned into a white mushroom instead of a shadow that would have rocked
sorry i kinda wanted to get some of the newer members involed first...
alright here are members being recruited for week one: 1Xainkar 2Rain 3Zexan 4Alexa 5Possibly Devonix or Drixen Note X will be the only non member posting when week 1 comes about because he is part of Rain's story line once again sorry it has to be this way I expect the thread to start next weekend
I will try to start it soon but keep in mind it suck i know but i will only be able to let 5 charaters join a week so sorry if this keeps any body waiting... occ good night all if i get anything done tomarrow i will give you all an update
yes it is but encourage you to go back and read the ending because it was really good its not like that i don't need your full past i just don't want you bringing people out of your past like last time or making random people come and beat you up this time i will try to come up with missions for us to go on and things to fight Xehnort and the heartless but if you ever want to add something in please just pm me about it first
thanks its just before there was too many people coming out of everybodies past and want to make it more organiazed this time around if you don't mind
well i will give you all training weapons at first that are like the same type of weapon you will have later and when you graduate from castle oblivion training i help you form you weapon out of your element welcome Mijx but only one thing the guy in the coat would have to be me I am not bringing any org members back to life so I would currently have to be me or if you have an idea's for your story pm them to me sorry but this is the new policy that is going to be inforced to stop the threads from being completely random again
how bout this he will just be extremely rusty like X said you could probably use your power and summon your element but i am guessing living in a pod of sleep for 150 years does some damage i mean it brought sora down from like level 70 back down to nothing in just one year And Xaren basicly your charater won't have your element til I hook you up to this huge orb and it burns a element into where your heart should be through a long and painful process and and I help you form your weapons out of that element
alright so if people don't know how this is going to work i will inform you I will go out and find your charaters under the mysterious and powerful Xainkar and recruit them to the Twilight guardians then I will take them to castle oblivion and train them in the art of fighting and then arm you with an element and weapon and teach you how to use these powes
after talking it over he did get kicked out sorry ... but not going back on desions and we have pm'ed him about it
assuming that the bald guy is Xehnort [which he probably was] he was the abitlity to take on new bodies so he will be like a new version also here is the list of the first 5 recruits of the TG [may change] 1 Xainkar 2 Rain 3 Zexan 4Alexa 5 Devonix [may change if he doesn't sign up]
you yes But I am still thinking about Xornadj...
alright I think I have began to find a way to work everybody in but it will be difficult and I can only bring Five people in each week
but even when i do start it there could be a while before your charater even joins and this is a note to every one due to how long this Rp is planed to be runing every one will start off at beginer level and work there way up
wow 13 in a hour we smoked org 13's record lol that is assuming that the person that emailed me his charater for Tg3 is joining and that Gharanth will join when she gets back [she will] but this isn't just any thread that i could start off easily it has a definte story and I have to figure out how I am going to fit you into the story easily alright soon I will start to compile a number list but remember in this org you are not ranked by number but positions which I am also working on...