Yeah, you need to get the cables seperately. And the games really depend on what you like to play. Orange Box is always a good buy if you dont have it already. Although the PC version comes with free updates. There's the exclusives like LittleBigPlanet and Disgaea 3 that can take up alot of time. Of course there's alot of fun PSN games such as SuperStardustHD and PixelJunk Monsters or Eden.
I still play Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, and the Megaman X and Legend series. So much fun~
Isn't afraid?
Shhh, its funnier to watch stupid people say stupider things.
Happeh birfdai ol' buddeh <:
Quoted because sex with you would be masturbation
Quoted for your epic hair
Quoted cause we had sex once.
Obama cosplays too? He just got more epic in my book :D
Obama is totally Donatello~
Obama is totally the Bluuue Ranger~
Trigger is too young to vote and I never leave the house, so I guess you're wrong :D