1. They both perform practically the same. 2. It depends on your preference. Although I suppose the ps3 does win when it comes to fighting games because of its D-pad. 3. This also depends on what you get. All ps3's have a hard drive but for the 360 you'll have to either get something better than an arcarde version or buy the hard drive seperate. But the ps3 does let you easily swap out the hard drive for another and the pricing for the hard drives is better than the 360/ 4. If you just use it as gaming system, the ps3 wont be worth its price. But if you do use the music, video, and blu-ray capabilities, it definitely pays for itself. And the blu-ray player does outperform some of the ones on the market right now, so it may even replace some of your other electronics. The PSN is also a great source of fun to tap into. Even if you'll only buy the occasional $5-10 games, the videos, add-ons, and demos are still a good resource. And its all free so there's nothing to lose. 5. The 360 is definitely worth the price right out of the box. Its price is afforable and it has music and dvd playing abilities. You'll have to cough up a little bit of money for the Gold membership if you wanna play against other people online, but you'll enjoy yourself in the end. The online also plays smoother than the PS3 obviously. You'll have to get a cable to get your 360 online if you get the Arcade. And you'll have to take extra care of it, making sure that its fans arent blocked, or else you might end up with a hardware failure. Both systems are quite good. As far as exclusives go, each system shares a majority of its games. You'll already know what each system will have if you've paid attention the last gen consoles, since each one will have sequels of old IPs. And the online services offer unique games that provide lots of entertainment. In the end, it'll really depend on which exclusives you want to play and the little things that make each one different.
Stupid ass 10 years olds cant even remember the right anime. Its "Pocket Monsters: Legend of the Drunken Pokemon Master: Gym double battle team evolution legendary fight go".
What? I thought this was 'All Hail Britannia' day. This is bull****.
lol, Luigi.
Slore. Amirite?
lol, bi problem.
Why didnt you get a good one? D: I like cake
Merry Christmas. Sheesh this place is empty D:
Nice new name needs nice new Kenshin sig/avy.
Im 'n ur threadz, makin' paper link hatz.
I told you I'd get you cheesecake. Gawd D:
Looking good there Cuppycake. And awesome Joker hat <3
I made it awesome. You can thank me under the bleachers later Wall-chan.
Drunk drivers dont kill people on purpose either. And the mexican student code of conduct says she cant have electronics in the building period~
Because she brought an unnecessary electronic to school and disturbed the classroom with it~
Nice one Toots. You know if you werent in school they could've easily called the cops and had you detained? Silly wall-chan.
Gwen sucks anyways.
You're so cute Wall-chan <:
How so?