Love the Avvy and Sig GO DEMYX hehe. Umm yea twas wierd and I dont know if you noticed but on the wall is a picture of stones and above them is a code. Cant menba how it goes though int playd KH1 for ages. something like x x o x x i think square is in it too.
Bestest- King Mickey, Demyx, Namine, Kairi, Sora, Roxas. Worst- Donald, goofy, Mulan, Jack, Aladdin,Queen Minnie (She is so creepy the way she runs).
"Dance Water Dance" Demyx "They chose the wrong guy for this job" Demyx "Now Sora let's close this door for good" King Mickey "Shh" King Mickey "Got it memorized" Axel "Gawsh" Goofy lmao its so funny "You big Palooka" Donald
Me neither lol, But mine is Demyx :)
Oh yea I have edge of ultima, detection sabre and FAKE...... All they r are the templates used to create the weapons from kh1 and kh2.
Mine was Aerial. But I didnt ever use em unless they played a key part like beast at hollow bastion.
Umm hi this is kinda dead........Sorry im going to leave now.....
Yea me too Xemnas, I mean u dont c wat 'appens to em. Also the begining was most confusing, but i soon caught on to it......Thank god. Oh and another a part i dodnt understand is HWY WASNT MICKEY IN MY PARTY BOO HOO. ahem thats me tantrum for tonight.
Roxas ur so mushy hehe. MINE ID DEMYX :) go go Demyx
Neoshadow Twilight Thorn
Demyx, he was so cool, bit easy but awsome. I love Demyx so fighting him was the hardest thing I had to do *sob*. Sephiroth Xemnas at the skyscraper.
Umm LyricalLuff you forgot the part where you say "got it memorized" hehe. Mine was. Not enough Demyx, go go Demyx Sora being a twat in some cases wen thats donalds job Same goes for donald acting like Sora. Not enough Mickey Not enough Kairi NOT BEING ABLE TO PLAY AS MICKEY BOO HOO Twas way too easy even on proud mode. Peter Pan summon 100 Acre wood(Umm was there any point......) Atlantica(I felt like a 5 year old doing this) Space Paranoids(Total waste of time god) Halloween town(such a boring world) Not enough secret bosses The stupid cargo lift in 15 seconds(Took me millions of tries) Pete in Port Royal(Kinda looked stupid) But still the best KH game so far.
Mine is Bond of flame i always use it. Oh and i like the plain old Kingdom key too dunno y lol. Oh and mickey's too of course.
Yea and in the Secret ending they pick up mickey, sora and riku's keyblades. And well unless mickey chopped of his ears and grew a few feet taller then i dont think it would be sora, cause that would mean the other two r riku and mickey. If ya get wat I mean.
oh oh i'm Raxyrb, I love that name hehe.
iwantedtoexplode: Attention PAL ARMAX users! This post is under construction. I screwed something up and will be starting this list over from scratch. I apoligize for the long wait, but I hope to get this list to a decent size in a week. If you see any codes missing from this list, feel free to PM them to me and I will add them, but remember I just started this list and there aren't many entries right now. Give me some time to post before you start sending me codes that are missing. Tired of having to sift through hundreds of pages to find the code you want? Tired of waiting for someone to fulfill your request? Believe me, those at the code vault are just as fed up as you. Hence the staff has given me permission to create this list. Here, you can find all of the codes featured in the "Kingdom Hearts II PAL codes" thread, organized by category, in both PAL ARMAX and Raw formats, all conveniently located in a single post. This is to make your lives easier, so please, before you request a Kingdom Hearts II code here or in any other thread, make sure that it's not already in this post. All that does is create spam, and if there's too much spam, the staff will have no choice but to close the thread. Mastercode 38AU-05A9-91WMV 9ZCM-08JU-UKV6W F02FC890 002FC893 Items Abilities Drive/Summon/Form/Growth Code: Nine Drive Bars 234V-W6TC-AUD82 ZHCD-A462-08U3X 201578E0 A1CD01B1 Infinite Drive HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 201A04CC 00000000 Status Code: Quick Level Up-All Characters 00V3-EDAB-2VUG3 WCQR-QFU1-0TGKH 20341348 0098967F Level 99-All Characters EAF0-WA4N-1CQ01 B78Q-A7XQ-ZWEV7 003403CF 00000063 [U]Roxas/Sora[/U] [code] Max HP 5KPH-0VA2-H8A4N R6RP-BDFT-PPJQQ 003403C5 000000FF Max MP XUTW-XMQA-BE8G8 AZ3H-KQEP-40RCP 003403C7 000000FF Max AP Z9RV-D97G-R2WJ5 8ZGP-J0YZ-CDP1C 003403C8 000000FF Max Strength F0HU-58NW-7R3GY 081H-73MP-47B8Q 003403C9 000000FF Max Magic NRM5-5UG0-EEX38 XRWN-GDY1-GAK9Z 003403CA 000000FF Max Defense 8AQM-KHY4-MDDT5 71XE-ZPU9-TUFUN 003403CB 000000FF Donald Code: Max HP 70VP-NGMQ-YGU4N TQU3-29AF-96TJY 003404B9 000000FF Max MP FTJ1-JNGZ-ZEXTJ FMX8-DVFE-DCTBF 003404BB 000000FF Max AP 93H7-N97P-16KYX D7JK-AJ7D-X55BH 003404BC 000000FF Max Strength EHDP-UAGJ-MU4JZ MJWU-MXX3-4ABHY 003404BD 000000FF Max Magic CT9V-4RB0-6JEHY DKJY-XA4T-C21KW 003404BE 000000FF Max Defense 1JJ5-TCQ4-6REM6 1HZ0-CPGB-P0HD8 003404BF 000000FF Goofy Code: Max HP UUGF-9AXA-CMKHC 8VJ0-Z4FT-TA4JM 003405AD 000000FF Max MP 1YQ5-ECCP-072UX 0ATZ-TK3C-XD073 003405AF 000000FF Max AP TEZV-8ZYG-86RN9 ZZV9-37A9-AYGYM 003405B0 000000FF Max Strength MUZY-DT2X-B0UJ1 7YHP-XT36-W851A 003405B1 000000FF Max Magic 59TA-PAP5-BFM12 MFB8-ET06-HPC6P 003405B2 000000FF Max Defense A5BT-XPGQ-TTXVH 0MDN-T875-8A74X 003405B3 000000FF [/code] Playable Characters Gummi Ship Miscellaneous Code: All Worlds Unlocked FR2U-0WKT-UBC04 Z38G-W4KN-9VMT0 YHBV-B4DW-ZR68G WAT1-A37E-P02KX HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX PYM9-WUX4-DMWF9 202C6AE0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B1AB9 Max Munny XU56-FN52-Q61T4 7U0C-H47D-WW3TH 20340360 000F423F This is still a work in progress. I will be adding a lot more, so check back every once in while.
Nine Drive Bars 234V-W6TC-AUD82 ZHCD-A462-08U3X 201578E0 A1CD01B1 Infinite Drive HQWH-YCUE-CDFXF P8QC-H7UB-QE702 201A04CC 00000000
Quick Level Up-All Characters 00V3-EDAB-2VUG3 WCQR-QFU1-0TGKH 20341348 0098967F Level 99-All Characters EAF0-WA4N-1CQ01 B78Q-A7XQ-ZWEV7 003403CF 00000063 [U]Roxas/Sora[/U] [code] Max HP 5KPH-0VA2-H8A4N R6RP-BDFT-PPJQQ 003403C5 000000FF Max MP XUTW-XMQA-BE8G8 AZ3H-KQEP-40RCP 003403C7 000000FF Max AP Z9RV-D97G-R2WJ5 8ZGP-J0YZ-CDP1C 003403C8 000000FF Max Strength F0HU-58NW-7R3GY 081H-73MP-47B8Q 003403C9 000000FF Max Magic NRM5-5UG0-EEX38 XRWN-GDY1-GAK9Z 003403CA 000000FF Max Defense 8AQM-KHY4-MDDT5 71XE-ZPU9-TUFUN 003403CB 000000FF
Max HP 70VP-NGMQ-YGU4N TQU3-29AF-96TJY 003404B9 000000FF Max MP FTJ1-JNGZ-ZEXTJ FMX8-DVFE-DCTBF 003404BB 000000FF Max AP 93H7-N97P-16KYX D7JK-AJ7D-X55BH 003404BC 000000FF Max Strength EHDP-UAGJ-MU4JZ MJWU-MXX3-4ABHY 003404BD 000000FF Max Magic CT9V-4RB0-6JEHY DKJY-XA4T-C21KW 003404BE 000000FF Max Defense 1JJ5-TCQ4-6REM6 1HZ0-CPGB-P0HD8 003404BF 000000FF
Max HP UUGF-9AXA-CMKHC 8VJ0-Z4FT-TA4JM 003405AD 000000FF Max MP 1YQ5-ECCP-072UX 0ATZ-TK3C-XD073 003405AF 000000FF Max AP TEZV-8ZYG-86RN9 ZZV9-37A9-AYGYM 003405B0 000000FF Max Strength MUZY-DT2X-B0UJ1 7YHP-XT36-W851A 003405B1 000000FF Max Magic 59TA-PAP5-BFM12 MFB8-ET06-HPC6P 003405B2 000000FF Max Defense A5BT-XPGQ-TTXVH 0MDN-T875-8A74X 003405B3 000000FF
All Worlds Unlocked FR2U-0WKT-UBC04 Z38G-W4KN-9VMT0 YHBV-B4DW-ZR68G WAT1-A37E-P02KX HPZ1-EGJ5-U5FWT BHZ6-76XW-0RUKX PYM9-WUX4-DMWF9 202C6AE0 0803FFCF 200FFF3C 3C0E0102 200FFF40 35CE0102 200FFF44 ACAE0000 200FFF48 00A0882D 200FFF4C 080B1AB9 Max Munny XU56-FN52-Q61T4 7U0C-H47D-WW3TH 20340360 000F423F
Same as cloudo. 1.Valour 2.Master 3.Wisdom 4.Final 5.Anti
You know i thought all limits were quite good but the beast has an awsome limit and so does riku. I beat the final boss at lvl 50 twas to easy.
OMG it has to be Demyx, he is so awsome as soon as i saw him in the underworld i went all giddy and got excited with him playing his Gtr and saying "Dance water dance". Yup Demyx for me all the way go Demyx......
Me too donald and goofy are idiots. I mean in the first game wen there was a white mushroom they didnt attack which was good. But in kh2 with the bubblegum machines they hit em its so annoying. And wen i first played kh2 I was like OMG donald and goofy are crap at fighting in this one. But combos and limits they r preety good.