Yup i agree, was really really boreing yet it had 3 of the best ff characters ever, Zell, Selphie and Squall.
Cloud, his just awsome. I love his hair too :)
What are ur most hated FF games to date? or the ones that bored u the most? I Hated-IV and V BORED ME- VIII, CC(crystal chronicles was a load of rubbish), VII
Id definitly say Rikku+Gippal they r perfect for each other :)
Rikku, paine and lulu, those girls rock :)
Hehe, I took a shine to Zell his so hot hot hot.
I really enjoyed this one, tis my fave of the whole ff series. My fave character was ViVi. Also i really liked Blank and i had him in my party on the final boss. And i absolutley loved Beatrix who i also had in my party. (cheat codes of course). But it was just a really fun game the only one on the ps1 i didnt find boreing.
Excellent theory, I actually agree with Fallen-serenity.
Well thats just plain stupid cause TNBC is not disney. Ask anyone.
Im glad im not the only one thinking about this, i keep racking my brains about it but cant think of anything but like Kairi says they may explain in KH3
U can find the codes for King mickey in the code vault.
I know namine was forced but oh well lol
best- Hollow bastion, end of the world, neverland Worst- atlantica, halloween town, deep jungle, monstro
Well for 1 u have to remenba that his clothes were based on my fave disney chatacter Mickey, so he would look clownish his human stroke cartoon lol And me personally thought it turnt out great :)
Damn thats a hard one...... I have to say Sora though cause his just so cool and his the original guy.
Well im certanly not a disney character hater I love disney. U do realize Jack skellington isnt disney right?
I thought it was easy, but good :)
Sora, he is like so awsome. My fave character. Riku is cool too but my vote is for Sora :)
Yea but she wouldnt of had to if she just mind her own buisness and didnt put him ta sleep, stupid cow.(Namine) I absolutley go with Kairi she is an original and well NOBODY (see wat I did there hehe....sorry) could replace her. That's all I got.