Larxene could also be Lerane. like another way to spell Lorraine.
Aww thanx pal. I love ur new siggy of sora :)
I love Rikku, she is awsome :) So fun and energetic its never dull wen she is around and i think without rikku in x2 it would have been a complete failure :)
Roxasvsriku go read Evil mans siggy lol then come back here and see wat u did :)
OMG that is sooooooooooooo awsome, I love demyx and I love u now hehe :)
The second one is collest, the first one is a bit dangy
WOW, i absolutley love pokemon and that is nice although i do agree with tallian, less white :)
Koolio, thank u Tallian ur is neat too :)
I think thats an excellent idea cause TNBC is Tim burton soley. They even had to ask permission from the creator to use Tarzan for the first game even though he was a disney character. U can see this by reading the opening ad once u put the game in. Also with KH2 u can see it says Tim burtons the nightmare before christmas (c) on the opening ad check it out.
Its cool im happy to help out. I have gummi codes too if ya need em :)
Hey hey less of the meaness to mickey ya hear hehe lol
OMG these r awsome :) Love the mickey one(obviously hehe) Im gna use it if thats ok :)
Is it possible ta loose sight of him lol I never did, but yea just do wat he ^ said.
Well I used stitch too. He dosnt actually knock down enemys HP, so if u summon him a few times each battle and use ohana u can get a bundle of points. I got the required points for each CUP first time round.
Unlees u wasnt looking at the screen........Or are u on about wen they first met each other????
My fave part is wen i died and mickey jumped out, I was so excited. And wen I first saw Demyx :)
Umm I wouldnt say that lol cause if u hate it that much u dont want ta have ta go and save it. Cause thats wat u will have ta do lol.
Yea 1 is better cause the random battles. I started ff2 i think 4 times b4 i was well equipted huff.
Wow Demyx is so awsome, someone defintly made him p i s s e d lol Demyx is my all time fave ORG menba and its good ta see he has some fight in him :) go Demyx
Yup Roxas is absolutley correct. FFIII puts u in charge of four youths known as the light warriors. Their task is to defeat the four Dark warriors. FFIII was also the first FF game to feature the job system. I dunno if ne of u have seen this screenshot but for those who havent :