*oldquote* Heheheh...I still do. (Wow, I feel like I know you so much right now) I have another secret, but its too inappropriate for this forum.. I am a chronic ma...ma.... Never mind.
Mindless spam from a person who likely wont look again. I did explain on the first post.
No, they won. But I pulled them out because they win when they dont deserve to. Like when I put them up against Queen, that was supposed to make them lose, but they won.
You need to watch them IN ORDER. Master Chief sucks at Halo: http://youtube.com/watch?v=Jz3br1q5wlQ Master Chief sucks at Halo 2: http://youtube.com/watch?v=0RWQ7R555i4 Master Chief sucks at Halo 3: http://youtube.com/watch?v=LTxO_pgMqys Arby 'n' the Chief episode 1 : http://youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rdc-0OpQ Haha, I love how DigitalPh33r used Microsoft Sam for 'mastur cheef'. What do you guys think of these? I think they are so funny.
System of a Down samples: BYOB, Aerials Maroon 5 samples: Makes me wonder, Wake up call So, basically you vote for your MORE LIKED band, there is no in between, and don't post saying that "o i dont know they both suckz the same". Just pick the band you like more. If you REALLY dont like either bands, dont vote. Also, please post so the thread stays up. --------- I AM NOW TAKING REQUESTS FOR FUTURE BATTLES! Just PM me with the request. If I am in a generous mood, I will bring back bands that have already lost, except Linkin Park, they'd just go on forever. 1-MCR vs. Fallout Boy w. MCR 2-MCR vs. Blink 182 w. Blink 182 3-Blink 182 vs. Green Day w. Blink 182 4-Blink 182 vs. Finger Eleven w. Blink 182 5-Blink 182 vs. Linkin Park w. Linkin Park 6-Linkin Park vs. The White Stripes w. Linkin Park 7-Linkin Park vs. Billy Talent w. Linkin Park 8-Linkin Park vs. Sum 41 w. Linkin Park 9-Linkin Park vs. The Killers w. Linkin Park 10-Linkin Park vs. Queen w. LINKIN PARK?!?! 11-Linkin Park vs Maroon 5 w. Maroon 5 12-Maroon 5 vs System of A Down 13-12w vs Nirvana 14-13w vs Foo Fighters 15-14w vs ???
^Old... When's this going to be over? I want to know if I win......
What would you rate the movie "Sweeny Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" out of 1000. Oh yeah. Dont remind me.
"You look nice tonight, wanna get to know me better over coffee? If you dont drink coffee, I'll get you a hot chocolate." I always thought that 'witty' pick up lines were really annoying and pointless, and usually get you slapped. So, I thought, why be witty? Just say something nice.
Why dont you love me?
Beatnes Marine-Snow Luminaria Yeah, its me playing on my new DS, I seem to have gotten really attached to my electroplankton, I thought I got good enough to video myself playing.
Off count. 35113
I always thought the member "O R A N G E" was an orange.
Prepare to die a little inside, then possibly never see me the same way. Ready? Seriously, this is pretty bad. btw, I don't joke I dreamed that I had sex with Kairi.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kb8rdc-0OpQ OMG SO FUNNY!
whatever happened to automerge.
Lol tea. Anyway, just try to stay out of trouble, dont break rules... Speaking of rules, you should read them. But yeah, just dont do anything stupid.
I would. I dont believe in it, so I really dont have anything to lose I guess. Answer = Yes.
FCUK (French Connection United Kingdom) has recently been banned from my school. (High School 8-12) I think that it shouldn't be banned, because EVERYONE already knows what it says, nobody could care about it, freedom of expression etc. -Do you think this clothing line should be banned from schools for nearly having a profaine word on it? -Has it been banned from your school? Edit: I DO NOT HAVE ANY OF THIS CLOTHING.
Dont worry about it, your not the only person with bad english *Looks at txttlk users* Anyway, just try to stay out of trouble, dont break rules... Speaking of rules, you should read them. But yeah, just dont do anything stupid.