You wish..
Let me get this straight, you posted something that you wanted people to NOT ask you about? What the hell is your point?
LMAO. Its my favorite pkmn.
Thank you so much. It's not easy trying to implore the personalities of members into the story of Final Fantasy.
Characters + Prep Part One Part Two Characters: Warrior: Roxasvsriku Thief: Shadowjak Monk: Rosey White Mage: Catch the Rain Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side Red Mage: Darkandroid King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed Princess Sara: Mish Garland: Rat (Noobish boss that thinks hes amazing but he sucks) Matoya: Misty (Blind witch that need her crystal eye) Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie (Dwarf that needs TNT) Bahamut: Sara (Upgrades the party to their pwnage forms) Lich: ! (TCO) (Boss) Marilith: K a i r i (Boss) Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) (Boss) Tiamat: Laurence_Fox (Boss) Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute) (FINAL Boss) When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA --------- We resume the story again where we left off, up at the bridge that King nRa is fixing for the party. nRa: hurry up you loser workers Workers: Almost done sir! RvR: Finally what has it been, like 10 minutes already?!? nRa: I know so long we have no paitence. Rosey: You guys, just wait. CtR: Yeah, everything will be alright, we just need to have fun. Vivi: Stop being in such a good mood Catch. CtR: Hey, dont act like that. Vivi: I'll do what I want. SJ shows up. Still looking tired. SJ: Both of you shut up already Vivi: No, free country, freedom of speech SJ: I'll show you freedom of speech Vivi: That makes no sense. SJ: Shut up! Vivi snickers. Workers: All done sir! nRa: there ya go go to pravoka now and kill people and stuff RvR: Yeah okay we will. Rosey: Yay, lets go. The party walks east for about an hour. Vivi: Anybody know where we are going? RvR: Uh, yeah, we are going to Pravoka. Vivi: Where's that? Rosey: This way. Vivi: Oh, well, if we're lost, dont blame me. CtR: Fine. DA: Hey, so...uh...whats happening? Vivi: NO YOU STILL DONT DESERVE TO TALK. DA: But... Vivi: Just no. DA: FINE, be that way. The following is a battle Reader Discretion is advised. Rosey: Oh no. Five Goblins. CtR: No biggie, if we all work together, we can win. Vivi: Pfft. RvR: Just fight. SJ: Yeah. Vivi: Fire. Vivi waves his arm at a goblin, fire appears, and then the goblin is turned into ash. Vivi: I am so amazing. RvR: Stop bragging. RvR rushes at a goblin, while slashing its head off, blood spews from the goblins neck, and RvR is covered in it. RvR: Eww. SJ: Suck it up princess. SJ runs towards a goblin and trips it, then violently stabs its neck. Blood proceeds to cover SJ. SJ: Cool. Rosey: That's so gross. Rosey runs at a goblin, punching its face and stomach too many times to count. The goblin doubles over and makes a loud groan. Rosey: Super fists for the win. The last goblin runs towards CtR and viciously scrapes her face with sharp claws. CtR: Ow! Ow! Ow! DA: Dont worry Catch. I'll help you. Minor heal. DA waves his hands towards CtR, and some of the wounds close up, bleeding stops. CtR: Thank you so much Darkandroid! DA: Dont worry about it. CtR thinks DA is still and inferior healer. Vivi: Thundara. Vivi waves his hand at the final goblin, and a vicious lightning bolt crashes onto it, demolishing it. End of battle, although, RvR and SJ are still covered in blood. The party collects 100 gil from the battle. CtR: See, no problem. Rosey: Your face looks pretty bad. CtR: I can fix that. Heal. CtR presses her hands onto the wounds on her face, after a flash of light, the wounds are gone. RvR: Okay, lets continue onto Pravoka. SJ: Yeah, I need new clothes. After walking for another hour, the party reaches Pravoka. Rosey: This town is pretty crowded Vivi: Oh well. RvR: Lets go to the inn. CtR: I agree. The party heads to the inn, where they pay 10 gil and sleep there. In the morning, they all get up and are forcefully shoved out of the inn. Rosey: Wow, nice friendly service. CtR: I agree. Rosey: I was being sarcastic. was I. RvR: Hey look, there's a ship in the harbour, I wonder who's it is. SJ: I could care less. Vivi: Same here, lets just go to the spell shop, I want some new spells. CtR: Me too. DA: Me t.. Vivi: NO! DA: Ugh. The party walks toward the spell shop, but is stopped by a few pirates on the way. Pirates: Hey you! Want to duel us pirates? RvR: That depends, what do you have to bet against us. Pirates: We have a boat. Rosey: (Aside to party) Hey, the boat in the harbour must be theirs. RvR: So, you bet the boat and we bet 1500 gil. Pirates: That's not nearly enough. RvR: Well, thats all we have. Vivi: If we lose, you can have Darkandroid here. DA: HEY!! CtR: (Aside to DA) Shh, we wont lose. Pirates: Done. Lets fight. To be continued...
That's the point. That is so funny, but so weird. Wow. Just wow.
PART ONE LINK OOPS: I kept saying "Garland" in the last part. I mean "Rat" Characters: Warrior: Roxasvsriku Thief: Shadowjak Monk: Rosey White Mage: Catch the Rain Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side Red Mage: Darkandroid King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed Princess Sara: Mish Garland: Rat (Noobish boss that thinks hes amazing but he sucks) Matoya: Misty (Blind witch that need her crystal eye) Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie (Dwarf that needs TNT) Bahamut: Sara (Upgrades the party to their pwnage forms) Lich: ! (TCO) (Boss) Marilith: K a i r i (Boss) Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) (Boss) Tiamat: Laurence_Fox (Boss) Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute) (FINAL Boss) When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA --------- We resume the story where we left off. During a fight with Rat. Where, we have our three mages standing behind our fighters, RvR and Rosey are flanking Rat from both sides, and SJ is on his way around back to stab Rat with his specialty attack. The following is a battle, reader discretion is advised Rosey: Okay Roxasvsriku, attack now! RvR: No you first. Rosey: No you, I dont have weapons I'm a monk you idiot! RvR: So, fists are your specialty. Mish: SHUT UP AND SAVE THE BRITISH GIRL OVER HERE! RvR: Just wait, we need to figure out how to do this logically. SJ: Screw logics, just attack the *******. Vivi: Dammit guys. Thunderbolt. Vivi waves his hand towards Rat. A bolt of lightning strikes him and stuns him briefly. Rat: iz that all u got?! Rat strikes RvR in the chest with a sword slash. RvR: YOU *******! I'LL KILL YOU! CtR: No you wont, we all will. Cure. CtR waves her hands towards RvR. A white light beams onto him and he feels better. RvR: Thanks. SJ: YOU IDIOTS, ATTACK THIS *******! Rosey: Oh yeah. Rosey kicks Rat in the shins and punches him twice in the face, breaking the mask he was wearing. Rosey: That'll teach you.. RvR: Time to use my admin powers! RvR waves his hands towards Rat, but nothing happens. RvR: WTF? Why you alive. Rat: i r invinciblez RvR: Oh poo. DA: I think its about time I did something now. Poison. DA waves his hands at Rat but to no avail. DA: SHUT UP. ALL OF YOU. I just, had a little much to drink yesterday, I'm not in the right zone for casting...just...just shut up! Vivi and CtR snicker silently. SJ: Man, enough dialogue, just attack him. Oh, now I sound like a hippocrit. Ugh. SJ tackles Rat and stabs him in the chest with his dagger. Rat: oh noez i r hurt Rat slams SJ onto the ground and stomps on him with his overly large feet. (KH Reference) SJ: Wow, was that supposed to hurt? SJ is actually really hurting right now. RvR: HUZZAH! I DONT NEED ADMIN POWAS! RvR strikes Rat with his Rapier right in the left arm, and Rat drops his sword, just missing SJ's head. Vivi: Blizzard. Vivi waves his hands at Rat. Ice falls from the ceiling and covers him for a second, until he shakes it off. Vivi: Thats how you battle, ******s. Rosey: Fists, Eff Tee Double-You. Rosey punches Rat in the face. Rat falls onto his back. DA: Time to prove myself. DA jumps onto Rat, and slashes his face with a sword, Rat stops breathing. End Battle. DA: HAHAHA TAKE THAT! Mish: WELL???? RvR: Stop yelling. Mish: Sorry didnt realize I left my yell lock on. CtR: Its okay, dont beat yourself up, it happens to all of us. Mish: Thanks, I'll give you rep now. Rosey: Just dont go leaving your yell lock on again. Mish: I wont. SJ licks Mish out of nowhere. SJ: You like that? Do I taste good? Mish: Get away from me anushole. SJ: Fine, but you know you want Mish: Did you just call me sexy? SJ: What if I did? Mish: Well. You might find out. Vivi: Okay you two, lets go bring Princess Mish back to the castle. The party and Princess Mish walk back to the castle. nRa: omg you got my daughter. i do anything for you now RvR: Uh, what do we need to do to stop all this land and stuff from going crazy. nRa: you need to kill these 4 dudes or something Rosey: What four dudes? nRa: they are like incredible omg dudes Vivi: We gotta fight more? I say lets go. CtR: Well, I dont know, I dont want anyone to get hurt. nRa: i give you monayz SJ: For money? Yes. RvR: Lets vote on it. Okay, who WANTS to go and save the world. RvR, SJ, and Vivi raise their hands. RvR: Who doesn't want to go? CtR and Rosey raise their hands. RvR: Okay, we are going. DA: Wait, I dont want to go. Vivi: Shut up, you dont count. DA: But I killed Rat. Vivi: We did all the work. DA: But.. RvR: Then its decided. We shall go save the world. The party leaves the castle. 5 minutes later, SJ Appears. The following content is rated 14A SJ: Princess Mish? Mish: Uh, yeah? SJ: Wanna it? Mish: With you? Hell no. SJ: Oh, come on, you know you want to. Mish: Ugh. No. SJ: Are you sure? Mish: No. SJ: Your not sure? Mish: No, I'm not. SJ: So..what will make you change your mind? Mish: Money. SJ: Uhh, all I have is this. SJ holds out 1000 gil. Mish: That'll do. SJ: Heh Heh Heh. Mish: Okay, come on, lets go in here, I have a double king size bed. SJ: Whatever you want baby. Mish: Call me Mishy. SJ: Okay...Mishy. They go in a room, the door closes, loud noises ensue. 20 minutes later, the door opens, SJ emerges, sweating, hair a mess. SJ: Wow, you were great, Mishy. SJ: I need a cigarette. SJ: Oh, heres your money. Mish comes out, wearing lingerie only. Mish: You dont need to pay me, it was my pleasure. End of 14A segment. Meanwhile... nRa: hey guys go fix da brige. Workers: No problem King no-reality. nRa: kthx. RvR: So your getting these guys to fix the bridge for us. nRa: yeh RvR: Where do we go from here nRa: there be another town called pravoka Rosey: So we should go there? nRa: yeh Vivi: Will there be fights along the way? nRa: probableh Vivi: Sweet CtR: Anybody seen Shadowjak? To be continued...
Characters: Warrior: Roxasvsriku Thief: Shadowjak Monk: Rosey (I know the monk is male, but I'm changing it) White Mage: Catch the Rain Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side Red Mage: Darkandroid King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed Princess Sara: Mish Garland: Rat Matoya: Misty Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie Bahamut: Sara Lich: ! (TCO) Marilith: K a i r i Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) Tiamat: Laurence_Fox Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute) When I refer to THE PARTY that means RVR, SJ, ROSEY, CTR, VIVI, and DA --------- So, the story starts off, with the entire land going haywire nuts omg. When 4....6 warriors that were described in the 'Prophecy' came to Cornelia to save the land and capture the long lost crystals. But first, they need to save the princess. nRa: hey guyz, wat r u doing? RvR: Uh, we came to see what is going on. nRa: ORLY? Rosey: Yeah, we heard that your daughter, Princess Mish was missing. nRa: oh ya, she was captured by that ****** garland DA: Oh, where is Garland? Vivi: Shut up Darkandroid, you dont deserve to talk, inferior spell caster. DA: Whatever, at least I can heal... Vivi: Pfft. nRa: garland is up north, in that old castle thing. CtR: I say we go there, and fight Garland. SJ: Good idea CtR, I'll give you rep now. nRa: make sure you dont die or anything. So, the party goes up and gets in a couple fights. DA is the only one to get injured. Vivi: DA you n00b, why you get hurt. DA: Shut up, they all went after me. Vivi: No, its because you suck. CtR: Yeah, You cant even do good spells or anything. DA: But, I can do both... CtR: Bah, thats nothing. DA: Whatever. The party continues on to go up to Garland's castle. They enter. Rat: wow, look at teh n00bs RvR: We are awesome. Dont underestimate the power of six level 2 heroes. Rat: w/e you suckzorz at this game SJ: Oh wow, you are so big and scary...NOT Mish(From back of room): HELP ME, DONT JUST SIT THERE AND TALK WITH THAT ******! Rosey: OKAY MISH! *Fight* To be continued...(I have to leave school)
HAHAHA your going to laugh... He's(She in my story) a dwarf that needs TNT to blow up a little path so the party can go through on their boat. Yeah, sorta.
Yeah, you and the other mages have sort of a feud, because they mock you for your inability to cast the good spells, but you mock them for being able to heal AND do damage.
Okay, so, I decided to try and get SOME attention by writing a story with KHV members, but to the plot of Final Fantasy 1. Just wanted to let you all know whats going on before I take a day to write it. I'll try and get part one done before I leave school today Not that it's important, but if you want to be in it, just tell me, and I might switch out someone for you. Characters: Warrior: Roxasvsriku Thief: Shadowjak Monk: Rosey (I know the monk is male, but I'm changing it) White Mage: Catch the Rain Black Mage: Vivi's Dark Side Red Mage: Darkandroid King of Cornelia: no-reality_allowed Princess Sara: Mish Garland: Rat Matoya: Misty Nerrick: kitty_mckechnie Bahamut: Sara Lich: ! (TCO) Marilith: K a i r i Kraken: Split (Now Pepto Bismol) Tiamat: Laurence_Fox Chaos: Deathspank (Tribute)
I guess so, I guess I'll never be like some of you, who post nonsense and get 50+ replies, in no time. What do you mean "The beginning" the beginning of the thread/post or the beginning of a membership...or what. You dont understand, it happens with 80% of my posts. And, since I've been around since OCT '06, I thought that I was more known than that.
Why does it always happen that whenever I post something in a thread, nobody ever replies. Except on the odd occasion. It usually happens when I post something meaningful in a thread, and I want opinions. I sit and go F5, F5, new posts, new posts, F5, refresh...but no. I am now a virus, that kills threads. Now, dont say "OMG why u crying about this its only a forum no big deal you fatty" Come to think of it, I doubt anyone will reply to this..(But, now that I said that, your probably going to reply just to prove me wrong(Now that I said that, you might not reply to prove me more wrong)) Idk...
Misty tooky one of mine... I laughed so hard when I heard this...
u sux. Cant, say that with a straight face.... Nah, you rock.
/dead fill
Good observation, captain obvious.
Not that anyone really cares about me. But, mine is kissing my lover in a downpour while her soaked hair is all over my face.
On Flash Flash Revolution Forums they have 1.4 million members and some threads that have 400,000 posts, provided by vBulletin, and get no database errors. So, why would that be a problem here?