Blarg Blarg Honk Honk.Honk Honk Blarg.
She's an alien,trust me. Teleportation,lack of Earth knowledge. Tell me does she know the language of Blargian?
Honk honk blarg.
Blarg Blarg Blarg honk : )
Bl-Blarg? Blargez
*points shotgun at Anniexo_Xymed* You want some of this dirtbag?
*uses Phoneix down* there happy now?
*cocks shotgun* bye, scumbag.
I now have the image of Mish boobies in my mind and will transfer them to every member.
Usually those who say "I'm not a racist but..." are racists themselves.
*comes in with shotgun* Party's over,Dirtbags.
You Dare Bring Light To My Lair! You Must Die!
BLARG! fillerz
I'm not gonna say anything cuz the last time I responded to thread like this I got banned.
I'll bring the lube.