am i acting like flavored candy mint? LMAO
how do you change your name?
how do you change your name i dont like my name :(
ok. what i said was we know the halloween party was good right? well christmas is coming up i need to know what our site is doing for our site. we do know kingdom hearts 3 is coming out so that means japan people will but the game then the japan people will be makin sites for information and cheat codes so we will be abel to know about the game before it comes out in the u.s.a am i right?
well we had a good halloween but christmas is coming up i need to know what our site will do for christmas but for now we know kingdom hearts 3 is coming out and were all exited we do not know what its about yet but when it comes out in japan japan people will be posting sites about what the game is about am i right?
473 post......
welcome to my meeting im at the pool pit plz take a sit and i will annouce what i need to annouce ok? thank you
there is no purpose its the spam zone and havent you seen mints nonsense threads
christmas is the time of year for people to love eahcother and open presents dont we know that i want you to tell me your celebration is it kwanza is it haunnaka
welcome to the hamster page we will see cool funny picsof hamsters heack you can post a pics to we welcome you to the hamster page here are some pics of hamsters
how do i change my name
because he saw you naked and ran to the other side i dunnno tell why
try this its an ediot test lol
i made this joke up hope yall like it once there was three boys playing football there names were shut-up,manners and poo the ball went over in to the kings yard shut-up went to go get it the king saw and went foward to shut-up what is your name yung boy i must report you to your parents said the king shut-up said shut-up were are your manners sad the angry king over there playing with poo said shut-up heres another joke i made up teahcer-say a sentence that starts with i johhny littile johhny- i is- teacher-no littile johhny always say i am littile johhny- i am the ninth letter of the alphabet
i made a thread of this before
close it dude i am king of kingodm hearts 2 and i say close it i started it now your finish it! xD
ok close this thread kairi is king of kingdom hearts mish is king of kingdom hearts chain of memories i am king of kingdom hearts 2
ill be deymx
ok kairi is king of kingodm hearts i am king of kingdom hearts chain of memories and mish is king of kingdom hearts 2 :0)
419 toilets full of stinky crap lol