Ok, finished. Now, before I give the link, I need to explain a few things first. 1. The song, didn't really fit in with the theme of the video "Friendship". In truth, it would've been alot better for a tragedy or pain. 2. There aren't alot of silent moments in KH and KH2 where you can just tell love is happening. 3. The following things I couldn't get "Trinity limit" "Eternal Session" Lastly, I just squezzed in Donlad and Goofy at the end. ENJOY! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mEJcEwj6ZGE "Might take awhile to appear, give it about 10 mins."
You know what I just can't resist? A tall cold glass of milk. You know, when it's HOT! And, you just see a white glistening glass of milk, sweating it's very juice. Don't give me any of that soy crap, I just love milk. If I see one standing proudly on the counter, I would punch a child for it. It's just how I love milk. :D
REJOICE, my fellow nintendo fans, for the day has come for us to see more Super Smash Bros. Brawl stuff. Behold! Fiest your eyes on the sensational new footage of the upcoming Nintendo god of all games. http://www.gametrailers.com/gamepage.php?fs=1&id=2686
Hooray! I would be even more happy if I had the know-how and the equipment to upload my videos... But atleast I'll be able to watch some cool videos. FUN TIMES!
Look what I accidently stumbled across! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nwfvdGvc_MY&mode=related&search= Looks different huh?
The mad hatter, and that rabbit guy. Hare or something. What two weapons do the cards have in Wonderland?
Billy zane again Who's attire bears a striking resemblence to Vincent Valentine?
Ok, thank you very much for your opinion
The reason I didn't make it longer, was because we're meant to make it only 40 seconds long. Soooo, yeah
Sure, I'll get right on it. It'll be tough though to find trinity limit and eternal session
"Your vessel awaits" How did Ansem get to Destiny Islands at the beginning?
Ehh, no sorry you mis-read the question. The answer is the doorknob. "A circus of gorillas"? What does Donald look like in Hallowe'en town?
Sora wasn't hit by anything. I think it's just because Kairi was so goddam ugly. Or maybe it's just because after a very frightening "nightmare" he just gets a little jumpy.
Riku There are no words
What? OH SHI- sorry, I always get those two mixed up ... I'm lying that's the only time, BUT STILL!
The third one is meant to be much darker. And guess who's playing Jack's father? Go on, guess. Cliff Richards....
"You poor simple fool, you think you can defeat me? ME, the mistress of all eviiil!!!" What was the keyhole in Wonderland?
Ok, I've entered mine. I know I won't win, but still. (BTW, I'd like my name to be Trunksamurai if possible. Doesn't matter though I still won't win)
You know what was a big disappointment back in Kingdom hearts? Neverland. I mean, the whole world was just a pirate ship, and a clock tower. I hoped they would've brought it back and expanded it, but alas, no.