I'd say either Minnie Mouse or Daisy. I mean, he's in love with Mickey, so just picture a female Mickey.
Here's why the PS3 will suck and fail. The PS3 will have this function, that once you insert a PS3 disk into your PS3, it won't work on anyone else's. So, you can't lend it to your friend or anything. It's the most expensive next gen console Heard of the new Grand Turismo? Well, guess what. After you spend a fortune on the game, you'll actually have to BUY more vehicles for it. I could go on, and on, but we'll leave it at that
Xemnas! He's the strongest!
500 on easy mode True or false: Ansem (fake) is Xehanort's nobody
132 It's like, 123 except not in the same order!
92 Grindhouse looks pretty good
That would be pretty cool. I suspect maybe you would be Xehanort trying to find the secrets of his past or something. With lots of explosions and jumping.
90 people are making love at this very minute. BTW, can you people count? This is the 101st post, but we're only up to 90....
14, the uh..... TWO SEVEN'S HOORAY!
Here's the order I'll get the games. 1. Super smash Bros. Brawl 2. Red Steel 3. Super mario galaxy 4. LoZ:TP I suggest you follow this as an example
Kairi, I wanna kiss you
They do, just look harder and you'll see them
I found a few of them Keiji Fujiwara as Axel. Tatsuya Kando as Vexen, Marluxia and Lexaeus. Rieko Katayama as Larxene
Let's just do this for the fun of it. Let's count to 1,000,000. Rules are, you can only post 1 number and it HAS to be the number that was after the previous number. I.E. User 1= 90 User 2= 91 Get it? 1 more thing. You're allowed to say anything you want afterwards. I'll start. 1
Oooooh, how embarrassing for me. Sorry.
Nice job Deathspank, checking it out right now. Awesome job! Little question: I uploaded my video, and it said check back in a few minutes. And now there's no video data on my profile. Is it still uploading the video?
"omg, Look Over There! Disney!"
Hey, he has to die. We fought him like 5 times.
Name: Mihawk Alias(Title): swordsman above all the world's swordsmen Rank(Orginization XIII only): Age: Unknown Personality:Strong and silent Attire(Apperence): http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/b8/Mihawk.png Class: Swordsman Weapons: He wields the Black Sword, the strongest Sword in his world Armor: Red coat Abilities: Phantom slash (can slash someone without being seen) History: During the unforseen events that cause chaos throughout the galaxies, Mihawk used this opportunity to return to Radiant Garden, where he was banished from. Though his fellow warriors have seemed to disappear, Dracule wanders the deserted world in search of his old experiment. Currently codenamed: Experiment X Just what is he hoping to acheive?
:( Tough luck dude. Seriously. I feel for you. I once had that same experience. My Dad was dying in front of all of us. He survived though. Sorry, that doesn't help. Was she in the hospital?