294 SLAPS FOR EVERYONE! SUUPA' SLAPPY MEAT ATTAAAAAACK!!!! *slaps everyone with meat*
292, WHOO! I get to slap you in the face with meat!
287 Whoopie, that means I get to slap the next person in the face with meat
In my whole 1 years of studying Kingdom hearts, I came across a theory. Cerberus may have had a bit of Ansem's darkness. (I'm talking about KH1 Ansem by the way) I'm basing this on Cerberus's attacks. Notice the key attack he uses when lots of little dark disks appear on the ground and start shooting upwards. Riku (heartless) and Ansem had this exact same attack, because they had the same Darkness within them. Ansem must have visited Olympius Colossium at least once to do this. Heh?
The book of the past, present, future. Name all members of H.B.R.C
Likes Final fantasy and Kingdom hearts. Oh, ONE word? FFantic
257 There are 180 faces. WHOOP NO LIFE!
253 OMG! It's bloody gir!!!
lol, yeah I remember that. I think that was when Cloud was working at McDonald's or something, and Sephiroth being the boss an' all. I think it's over here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTdboqi2pAs
162 *stab* *kick* *punch* *run away*
Nah, there's too much of evil people. Riku's evil. Ansem's evil. Roxas is evil. Naminé's evil. Stop tha'!
160 times I will stab Axeleight if she says Axel one more time :D (j/k)
Hells yeah. Peter wins again! Giggidy-giggidy-giggidy-goo! Peter's such a cool name. That's why.
158 birds I shot today
Judging by the credits, I would have to say Euro IV ever
Being a big fan of Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez, I'm buttering up with delight about this new movie called Grindhouse.
My real name is peter, my nickname in real life is pita-bread and my nickname in the internet is Samurai
140 is an even number :D
Starting tomorrow, you've got only a week left. Just sayin' But if everyone has them in earlier, then I think we can end it. Who else entered besides DA and Myx?
Well, they could've been worse. But, yeah, they could've been a bit better. Baggy trousers anyone?