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  1. Samurai
    Suupa’ powa’ of tha’ Heartless!!!1!11

    Once upon a time, Sora and his friends lived on an Island. They wanted to see more more worlds! But, then one day….

    Sora said “I have to save Kairi and Riku! It’s all up to me, for some reason!â€

    Sora runs up to Riku, swinging his arms unnecessarily. “Where’s Kairi! I looked everywhere! OMG, these heartless are unbeatable with my wooden sword! ‘tis fun though to hit them! You can just keep hitting and hitting, it feels so good!!â€

    Riku turned to Sora, with his eyes so blankish!! “We can go to the other worlds! I found it if you turn to the dark side, you can do all sorts of stuff. YOU DON’T KNOW THE POWAA’ OF THA DARK SIDE!! ZOMG, BAD MOVIE PUN ATTACK!!â€

    Sora declines the dark side “I decline the dark side!†“OMFG, you idiot!!111!!, I am so powerful! We will meet again…..†Riku disappears into the darkness.

    BUT OMG, SORA GETS A KEYBLADE!! “Wow, I have no idea what this is! But, where did my wooden sword go? OMFG, THAT’S SOOO UNFAIR!! I had a handy wooden sword that I can hit the heartless with, and now I have key. OMG!â€

    Sora finds Kairi in their secret place. “I KNEW IT! The secret place. The last place I would expect to find her. OMG KAIRI DISAPPEARED IN ME!...OMFG, there’s a mystery! I have to find Kairi! And Riku. Then we can go back to the islands. I mean…here! OMFG, I’M TALKING TO MYSELF!â€

    --Will sora find his friends? Will we ever learn what the narrator looks like? Stay tuned!
    Thread by: Samurai, Nov 11, 2006, 1 replies, in forum: Archives
  2. Samurai
    Mihawk leaps ungravitational onto one of the towers. The cone shape made it very easy to keep his balance. He peered up to the last window.

    "Higtaru" He said with a slight poison in his tone. He leapt up again into the window he was staring at, and there....was nothing. Nothing but the empty solice of his memories.

    "Jiminy!" Mihawk looked down at Jiminy writing in his journal. "Writing in your journal as always, I see."

    Jiminy looked up from his book, with his back still facing Mihawk. A tear breached the little cricket's eyes and trailed down his cheek.

    The noise of the fire crackling was the only thing keeping this from becoming an uneasy silence. The little cricket spoke.

    "I-...." His sudden overcome of two emotions made his voice jump. "I thought I'd lost you!" He shouted these last words to try hide his crying.

    Mihawk began to cry too. "I-...I came back Jiminy. I CAME BACK!!!!" Mihawk shouted aswell to make Jiminy believe that this was happening. Jiminy turned to Mihawk to confirm that he was not imagining him. He was now overcome with tears. "DON'T YOU EVER LEAVE ME AGAIN! DO YOU HEAR ME!!! EVER!"

    Mihawk nodded with a smile on his face, and his tears tickling his cheeks. He wiped them away, while Jiminy jumped up into his arms. They cried together for what seemed like hours.

    They were together at last.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Samurai
    "Stupid insignificant heartless. Spawned from the darkness of the heart, and act like they are human themselves. They attack us, like we are nothing but an obstruction to their dark plans. If I knew how to get them out of my life for good, I would do it in a heartbeat. The drums echoing in my hearts, long for a life without torture from them. Oh, how they torment my life so. How they make my life not worth living. If only I could die, surely I would find peace and solitude in the great beyond."

    Mihawk turned to see Anneixo.

    "Thou shalt dare disturb my peace? These heartless are but just servants to higher, stronger heartless that could wipe out a whole village with just a swipe of their huge, glorious claws. If you wish to play with these heartless, do not let me restrict you to do so. But, I ask of you, just don't confront me like that ever again."

    Mihawk brandished his sword and stared at the tower which was at the brink of collapsing.

    "Now, my old friends. I cannot wait to see thee again. Perhaps this visit shall be a pleasent one. Perhaps, maybe we could drink merrily and laugh until sunrise. This is decided, ne'er you let go of our melencholy past."

    Mihawk ran up the iron stricken path that lead up to the building.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Samurai
    Why does it have to be these 5? Why couldn't Mickey join in aswell

    Why did they have to age like 5 years? They were 15 and 16 when they read the note. What, would they be like...

    Kairi: "Oh this is horrible! We should do something right away"
    Riku: "No, let's wait 5 years...."
    Sora: "Great idea"

    *waits 5 years*

    Sora: "Ok, it's 5 years. Ready?"
    Riku and Kairi: "Yeah"

    Post by: Samurai, Nov 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. Samurai
    Yeah, I'm gonna have to agree with this guy. That's why I'm not gonna vote.

    You know, this same thing happened back when the DeepDive was happening. They were like "ZOMG KH2 WILL NOT BE ABOUT SORA AT ALL!!!111!!1!!!" And we were sorely wrong.

    The secret endings don't define the whole game. It's just a little back-story to it all. It will still be about Sora and Co. pretty much. But, I feel a little Sora and Roxas team up in my head.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Samurai
    I just want to point out, you can massage my knees any time! :D
    *high fives anyone*
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Samurai
    Mihawk looks back over his shoulder to Anneixo. He says nothing, but his eyes stare deeply into Anneixo's. The reflection on his eyes show a man being tortured by coat hangers.

    "There's blood everywhere, even in my mouth which is making it very hard to breathe. All I can do is cry while they jab each metal stake into my sides.
    Eventually I will die. These last moments of my life, I will chronicle them in none other, than my cricket's journal. I shall then leave it with him, until the end of his days

    Mihawk turns around again and starts hitting the wall with the sides of his fist.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Samurai


    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Samurai
    Mihawk was perplexed by the beings before him, and how odd their actions were. He wondered....

    He walked forwards towards Higure. His devilish eyes staring right at him. Eventually, he walked 4 inches left of him and continued. He stopped.

    "Call me Mihawk"

    He said, nevermore.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Samurai

    Here's why I hate my weekend
    My game didn't arrive, and now it won't arrive until monday
    The End
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Samurai
    OOC: OH SHI- sry, didn't realize we started. Ok

    Mihawk was silently sitting in a dark corner of the room, which was covered by a shade of darkness. His eyes ever staring at the loud-mouthed fools that would cause a disrution in the the third level of hell.

    "If you fools intend to shout any louder...."

    Mihawk stood up drawing his cross-shaped sword that beamed a radiant blue light.

    "I will have to take action before you put me in a fighting situation. I.E. tons of necrons. And I don't like necrons one bit."
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Samurai

    No explanation needed, he's just cool.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Samurai
    So, how did it go? D'you defeat her?
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  14. Samurai
    Can I have Scrooge McDuck?

    Don't ask.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Art Shop
  15. Samurai

    Well, one great tactic is to use Aero on yourself at the start of the fight. Then, charge at her. Her bubble attack is easy as pie to dodge, so just attack her head a few time. Eventually, she'll start sucking you in. Use dolphin kick away from her to dodge it.

    Her lighting attacks are easy, you just have to stay away from the edge of the BG. And another thing, use Donald in this fight. He's a great help.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Samurai
    What particular attack of hers catches you off gaurd, and I'll tell you how to dodge it.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 10, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Samurai
    I believe it is in KH2. Day 2 when Roxas is in that alter. He says right before Roxas walks in through the door.

    "Beyond this door is a whole other world.
    But don't be afraid
    Don't stop walking"

    Or something to that affect

    Anyway, I think it's DiZ/Ansem. He speaks like that in his reports.

    EDIT: Sry, it's day three. And his exact words are
    "Be careful
    Beyond that door lies a completely different world
    But don't be afraid
    Don't stop walking..."

    I still think it's Diz/Ansem the wise
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 9, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. Samurai
    Wow, that sure made US look bad chief.
    Slink away boys...slink away *slinks away*
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 9, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  19. Samurai
    Was I there? :(
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Samurai
    No. Riku has never lost his heart.

    Sure, his heart has been in darkness more times than I can count, but he never lost it. Therefore, no Nobody.
    Post by: Samurai, Nov 8, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX