What the hell? Wasn't this supposed to be decided yesterday? Crud. Well, I already know who's won. *cough*darkandroid*cough*
Ehh.... "Call me Scrooge"
453 Is that Yoshi kid thing, real? OH SHI- so many people posted at the same time.... OH SHI- sorry, axeleight, i'll do it right now
448 Much better Sun, thanks
446 Sunderland's sig is too wide. Aaaaaaaalrighty then.
Use this I'm sure the guy who made it won't mind.
(do not double post please. Thank you) Riku has never had a heartless. No heartless = no nobody. You only become a heartless when you lose your hearts. I say it again, Riku has never lost his hearts, but it has been in darkness longer than Oprah in a fast food resteraunt (Zing!)
I'm growing concerened..... I fear that maybe Final Fantasy 13 will be the last ever Final fantasy. At least on SE's part, not Nintendo's. The pictures look amazing, and that's not even the edited version. So, they've probably began to reach their pinnacle in graphics design. So, maybe the saga will end soon.
..........T_T How many spears do Xaldin have?
This could be very possible, seeing as though Disney has bought Pixar, and they're running out of idea's for worlds. And, oh yeah. Incredibles FTW
Well, today's the last day. 'tis been quite a journey, eh wot? I...promised myself I wouldn't cry.... *bawls my eyes out*
Hellz yeah. Leeroy is the shizza'. Even though the video was staged. Anyone know where I can download the video?
I don't know. I never found her. That woman kept saying how horrible I was. So, wanna know what I did? I shot her.
Cool! Let me try. They don't make them like these anymore Sweet, it worked.
(Algorithm's. Get it, 'cause I'm Al gore...and I dance) Ok, this dance is bizarre in all forms. Like.. Why were they dancing in a prison? Why were they dancing TO THIS SONG in a prison? Why were they ninja's? Why were they ninja's IN THIS SONG? Why were there only two guys in suits? WHY WERE THERE ONLY TWO GUYS IN SUITS TO THIS SONG!?!?! The song is catchy, I'll give it that.
If you truly are the person who made these.... Then you are the funniest person alive.
Hey, how do you do that thing with a link so you can put it into one word?
Mihawk smiled and he disappeared in a flash of red light. "We will meet again, pathetic warriors!" OOC: Dropping out for awhile. Will return in another world.
Mihawk's eyes turned a bright red. "If there's one thing I hate more than pitiful heartless...it is being IGNORED!" Mihawk suddenly dissaperated into the air, only to reappear in front of Higure with an insanely angry look on his face. He brandished his sword and hit Higure with the flat side of it. Knocking him out. "REMEMBER THIS DAY, THAT MIHAWK HAS HIS STRENGTH RETURNED TO HIM! REMEMBER THE DAY, WHEN MIHAWK WILL HAVE HIS REVENGE! REMEMBER THIS DAY, AS THE DAY I...AM...GOOOOOD!!" Mihawk grew a red aura that surrounded his body.
From the sky, a faint black spot could be seen coming down onto the heroes. It was none other than Jiminy Cricket. Mihawk came in after him. They both landed and looked up at the warriors. "Obviously a few heartless are too much for you." Said Mihawk, and Jiminy nodding with agreement.