749 Boobies!
Oh, dude, NICE! That was ultimate p'wnage. Oh, and you forgot to XXXXX out Illinois. When you do, I'll edit this message. But dude, good show. That guy was Sh***ing himself.
Aw, shucks Roxas, get into the christmas spirit! *throws confetti at him* I want a wii.....and Red Steel...because I am so hip.
719 I like Sean Astin!
The fact that they thought putting in a winnie the pooh world, full of kiddy adventures and mini-games, would be a great idea... LMFAO!!!!! Ok, srsly I chuckled a bit when Sora turned to Donald and Goofy, and smiled at them, when they said "NO, WAIT!"
Not expecting a response...since no-one on this thread has even mentioned Dragon ball. 'tis a great game, I'm finding it hard to find time to play this, but it's an overall great game.
That is the greatest suggestion I ever heard. No offence to the rest of you, but that just p'wned.
X it's straight to the point, it's mysterious, and it's all 'round coolness!
King Mickey's..... He's just so freakin' cool!
Woop! Way to go Xaldin! Way to pull through! And, may I say something for the rest of us? We're glad you're not dead:D
Userame: Samurai Bithdate: (Completely Optional) October 4th Forum Title: Leeroooooooooy Jeeeeeenkiiiiiiiiiiiins Specialties: Medoicre video maker, Matt Damon Interests: Wii, woooooo Personality: fun History: Matt Damon Goals: To be an actor, and meet Matt Damon!
649 *consoles 2foxxie4u* it's ok, you'll get the next one!
I loved them BEFORE they were famous. True story!
Basically, this RPG is all about being a heartless. But we're going to alter a few things to make this a proper RPG. First of all: You can speak. Although Heartless can't, you are free to talk. You can be any type of heartless you want. Even a Behemoth. This RPG is all about role-playing. Occasional fighting, and all around good time. There are an unlimited amount of players. So, basically, everyone and anyone can join. And in the end, isn't that what the internet is about? CNN says, no. The overall fun part is, YOU CAN CREATE YOUR OWN CUSTOM HEARTLESS. This is where originality plays it's part people. But, don't let me stop you picking your own. Lastly, you can name your own heartless. Think of it as, your own little pet of pure evil. Character Sheet Name: Rank: Appearance: (pictures are allowed. But, link it if possibolo. Comprende?) Weapon (if any): Special move: That's it! Ok, we'll start when the sufficient amount of people sign up. Oh, and one more thing. As GM of this friendly establishment, I will be making events every now and then. These events will feature such things as going into battle against such things as Sora, Nobodies, FF characters, and other things. So, keep an eye out. MINE!!!!! Name: Kujo Rank: Soldier Appearance: Linkage Special move: Cyclone (propells himself towards his foe, bashing his head against the enemy)
643 Skype? Man, what's wrong with MSN?
I was wondering if going back to the card battle system is the way to go for CoM: Re I mean, now that it's going to be in 3-D, I wonder if it would be best to just use the normal battle system (Button bashing! hoo-freakin'-ya). I understand that some people weren't a big fan of the new way of fighting in CoM. So I wonder if SE are making the right move.
641 So very tired. I think there was someone in my backyard last night, and he just stood there for HOURS. Couldn't get to sleep, I was so terrified. How are you?
Axel was most likely Lae. Sounds funny :D Marluxia.....Railamu o_0 Demyx....Myde Luxord...Lord U. PH34R THA' LORD U!!!! Larxene....Eneral SUUPA'-RANDOM-ULTRA-WEIRD-NAME-ATTACK!!!
Ah, yes I remember now. I saw it once, before they took it off youtube. It was excellent. Do you know if it has been released here yet?
Ah, my gawd! A final fantasy anime? AH MY GAWD!!!! FFVII: Last order is the new movie that takes place before FFVII. I won't bore you with the details, but it's basically Cloud and Zack fighting alot. I doon't think that it's out yet here. But hopefully, it'll come soon, so I can watch it! EEEH!