I never got to post. :bored:
Hate is good. 8D
y HALo thar!
I just ate a rotting tomato. I failed to notice the mooooold.....:bored: ...It's Lee-kun's birthday too. >:3
Your gun is pathetic. D: It's only leaving me in a good amount of pain. :(
That only broke my arm. D:
That's not a gun! D:
You missed. D: You shoot at the chest, not the leg! >D
I have just spanned your homeground with fail and spam. SHOOT AT WILL.
Popcorn is good for you.
You're a god to me, Mish. :luv:
DANANANANANNANANANANAbannanaNANANAN batmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
Barnyard. xDDD I dunno. =\ I have a quote anyway. "I had a dream I was pregnant; it was great! I craved strawberries!"
QFT. :( /fillerz/
I was up late last night...and decided to make a Gaara sig. I can't really find anything wrong with it except for the angle that Gaara's at. I tried to fix it at the last second, and couldn't. CnC? Edit: Some reviews would be awesome, just so you know. 12 views and no comments is pretty ****en' sad, don't you think? JESUS, REVIEW.
My god, I love it. XDD It's just a little too bright in the center, and I can't see the text without trying to kill my eyes. The text just blends in too well. Other than that, it's great!
And kill everyone with their ****ty power.
Bratz = ****s.