...STOP LYING. :yelling: My magical bullet shot you right in the ballz.
Exactly. QFT.
I think it's ok, as long as it's put in the right hands. But if a terrorist or some asswhack like that gets it, we're screwed.
Yay, I finally got a name change!
( OOC: Lol, yeah. :P CRAP. I was too lazy to make a bio. >.> Let's just say that Rixka's parents got in a huge fight during her early teens and killed themselves in a rather violent fight instead of getting a divorce. And they killed her cat. She often has these depressing moments in life. It was meant to be a joke...but...I didn't really have anything else for her to do. xP)
Neji walked in the forest by himself to drop by and see Tenten. ...Rixka, on the other hand, was fighting very strong thoughts of suicide.
(ooc: .......D: )
(OOC: I say he accepts it. >D)
Rixka sighed and watched the clouds. "Lee-kun! Would you like a drink or something? >_>"
"The Hokage's down with this stuff too?" Neji asked, approaching Sakura with Rixka.
Yeah. I used an old style, but tried using vectors to give the sig...pizzaz? (If there is any.) CnC? kthxbai.
OMG. I love how Roxas blends in, but it looks a tad bit blank on the left hand side. And I can only see 'Hidde'...The 'n' is kinda blended in too much. It could use a bit more color to. Is there a border too? Do you use PS? But I love the overall style. I like how Roxas seems to blend in and disappear. :3 9/10
Just look up more tutorials on GIMPtalk. ^^
Nope, my record's clean. 8D But me and my friends were apparently being..."obnoxious" during a bomb threat. The teacher would have written us up if the office wasn't so crowded later.
Your mother with a sex change. 8D
Hmm...are you just starting to use GIMP? The whole thing looks...plain. A little bit in the FG would certainly help. The text is kinda hard to read, and there's not much color =\ I love the border, though. Keep trying!
Oh thank GOD! I've been worried about new actors and bleck. Nobody can beat those three. ^^ I know. I love Twilight! Edward sounds so...SEXY. I can't wait to see him in the movies. He better be hot, or I'm not going to bother wasting my money. T_T I know how you feel with the romance in the Eragon series. BLECK. I know that it's kinda...kinda similar to EdwardxBella in a way (the age differences...) but honest to god. It's pretty sick if you ask me. Eragon needs to keep his eyes on the road, not on Arya's freakin' boobs. >_> As everyone else, I totally recommend Eragon/Eldest and the Twilight series, Darkaeroga.
Gee, those are some great excuses to kill yourself. Become a homeless in San Diego, you ****ing bum. But honestly, I think the media should DROP IT. I'm not trying to be disrespectful, but being fameous after this incident is what he wanted. And isn't giving when the ******* wanted even if he IS dead bad?
My grandmother forbids me from using that language.