Meh, I dunno. It doesn't really seem to have a point to it. We can just make threads in the 'Anything Else' section, no? I say nay.
Alright. Every time I try and install new brushes on my GIMP thingy, it always takes away another set which I need. I don't know why it's doing it, but it's bugging me. I don't know if GIMP has a limited amount of brush storage or what... Help, please?
Power of Youth, durh. xD The 'Power of Youth' is only youthful because Lee totally follows by it making it pure win, thus totally kicking the **** out of the Force.
I was bored and decided to make some new sigs for the upcoming movie, Prince Caspian. (I was bouncing up and down in my room for like, an hour when I saw the movie preview...They're both in different styles. x3 THE TEXT ALWAYS RUINS IT. :bored: Sig one: Sig two: CnC, please.
I agree with Ryuuga. GIMPtalk is definatly the place to go for tuts. There's also: [ x ] Xigbar gave me that link a little while ago. Some may not show up, but I learned a lot from those tuts too.
I have to agree with this. Even though I'm far from Christian, I still want to debate. First off, I don't believe in any "God". (I know I've mentioned this before in other posts, but bear with me here....) Nothing the Bible says or what ministers say makes any sense to me. Through time I have learned by the scientific way, which seems much more possible than the religious other. I have never gone to a church, I have never bothered wasting a part of my life flipping through the Bible's pages, and I always end up rolling my eyes when some Bible-freak warns me that I'm off to Hell for worshiping Harry Potter. To the point: Do I believe in Heaven, Hell or "God"? Answers no. According to the Bible/people/whatever, if you don't believe in God, you're off to Hell. Do I really care? Answer's no again. But isn't if you're bad like Hitler and such you go to Hell? I could imagine that not believing in "God" will send you a first class ticket the moment you think 'That **** is so not real'. I have wanted proof of some type of god-like being. All I can find is wacky people on eBay claiming that they "found Jesus in a piece of bread". That doesn't prove anything, it just shows that people have active imaginations. But as Mirai said, going to Hell for wanting proof? I highly doubt "God" is super dooper caring if he sends someone to Hell for questioning his "existence". kinda get back to the point of the thread via the title....: I'm so off to Hell. 8D
How many times must I tell you nubs, ****S FIND IT OFFENSIVE WHEN YOU SAY 'HO HO HO'. IT'S A NO NO NO. >o
Of sex. ;D
I feel this is one of my best sigs yet. :3 Although I tried sharpening it like, 13958723 times and it didn't get any CnC, please.
You can't say ho ho ho. ****s find it offensive. D: It's 'ha ha ha' now, nubs. ^^
Heh Sofa's a looozer. xD On topic now.
Well, I have to say your friend is stupid. Blocking you just because you recommended a movie is outrageous in my view. For crying out loud, it's just a movie! Most things in movies don't actually happen in real life. I hope he/she knows that. Honestly, Christians are really starting to piss me off. It's hard to hear the word 'God' without shaking your head with a snort. If religion's really pushing people to the point of bursting over a movie which apparently "kills" a "God" then...
Video games? Please tell me they're not blaming video games...
Mish. :3 It doesn't feel like we're quite in the friends sync anymore, though.
It really depends. If you want any books that are related to Harry Potter...Well, it's a one of a kind deal. I've read a lot of books, and none can really relate to HP. But there is Eragon and Eldest, which deal with magic and dragons like others have mentioned. There's also Twilight which deals with (good) vampires...Artemis Fowl...I haven't read it, but it's apparently good. @_@ I have other books that I recommend...
QFT. If I could send Disney some hate mail for the creation of that channel, I totally would. I honestly won't be surprised if EVERY main actor on High School Musical turned into a second Brittany Spears or Lindsay Lohan. But honestly, we couldn't be that lucky. I won't be complaining if they do. :3 START THE HATE MAIL. Maybe we'll be lucky. ZC: I'd burn my iPod if I were you. Getting back on topic...: HSM's music SUCKS BALLZ. My eardrums are blown from the time I first heard "We're All in this for *coughMONEY*
Alright, I can't really say much on this debate, since I have not read or seen The Golden Compass. It's never really caught my interest until now. I have heard though that most people take it as being..."Anti-Christian"? I'm not too sure about this, but that's what the web says. (I know, it's pretty stupid to place your bets on what the internet says.) But I read at least half of the book before my attention span reached its limit. Never did I find a place in the book where it seemed anti-church in any way. I'll end this post here, since I don't want to make anything sound wrong by my lack of knowledge here. I might see it anyway, since them apparently..."killing God" doesn't offend me in any way whatsoever.
Didn't we all...
I say there's no limit! :yelling: