NrA took my topic. I couldn't think of anything else. :sweatdrop Pirates WAS the bestselling movie in '07, so...
Moodkip- Wonderful to the eyes and sexalicious, as usual. Nailpolish- Good C4D and splats. :P GX- Love the lines around the sig. :3 ****, I got votes.
My pardons for failing the forum. Need imput, since people on DA won't say anything about it. CnC.
I dunno if this has to do with it or not, but I don't give a damn. ACDC- released 1980
I wanted to make you a siggy, but it got late and I had to ruuuuush. D: Here you go anyway. Sorry it sucks. T_T Baby Brian says hi. ;D *disappears*
Yup, I'm leaving. But before I go... Back in March '06, this was great. I was introduced to it by a friend who claimed that the "people here were really nice". I was very shy at first - it was my first forum I joined...EVER. - But it was great and all. I was a premmy, I actually had friends, it was nicely handled, and I thought I would be INSANE to leave it. Psh, yeah right. was my home, and nobody could make me think otherwise. Until now, that is. But if anyone back in the 'ole days can remember, there was this guy named Xemnas-insert some numbers here- who made signatures right before the forum got VB. He left utterly disgusted, and made a huge rant about it. He pretty much said that the staff -Except for Sara and Arc- sucked, people were getting cocky, and he hated it. That's pretty much what I have to say in this little thread here. Right before my old computer stopped working, finally got VB. I was...quite excited when I joined again. The forum looked great. It looked official. There were more and more members coming. I felt great that this ****hole was on its way. But, unfortunately, the forum started to suck over time. As the months went by, the forum basically turned into crap, and it still is. But I see nobody's doing anything about it. I see the 'Serious Question' thread shows that I'm not the only one who thinks this as well. Pfft, if I was DS, I would shut this forum down for the count. Over the times, I also have to agree with Xemnas. So, why am I leaving? The biggest reason: I don't belong here. I probably have more of those who hate my to the core rather than people who think the opposite. No friends at all, right? Many people who left before me have said the same thing. I go on and post, and I'm ignored. I say something, I'm yelled at and flamed, then ignored some more. As MadiYasha and 2Foxxie4U said a few pages back: They basically says it for me. Most of you might be thinking that I'm feeling sorry for myself. If you're thinking that...well, you're half right. But it's kinda hurtful to post in a forum where you once really belonged, and suddenly you're rejected, even by your old friends. I am on a lot of the time. But whenever I log off when it's time to go to bed and everything, I'm usually feeling quite down in the dumps, or so PISSED my head could explode. I couldn't never feel those feelings before the dreaded VB came. This is the reason why I'm leaving. I don't belong. I can't believe it's taken me over a ****ing year to get this through my thick skull. There's a lot more like a lot of disrespect for other members, bad staff, but I seriously don't want to get into that now. I understand that most of you are probably banging your heads on your keyboards right now, but please, bear with me. I just want to say my goodbye's here. CtR- You're a great member. You have been ever since you joined. Even though we don't talk much, I feel like you're the one true friend I've had. You never think twice about dissing another member, you always treat others with respect, and you're always given the respect back. I wish I could be as lucky as you. Mish- I don't know what happened, but you were also on my 'Bestest friends list'. You're probably the most reliable of the staff. You truly deserve the title. GIIIIIIIIIRLZ :D- I hope you and the SIIIIIIIIISTAHS 5 get back together. You guys seriously rocked my pants off. ;D A little part of me died when I read Mish's little thread about you guys breaking up and stuffs that one day. Dx SpLIT²=D0uBLEB1TcH- Thank you for all your help and patience trying to get me through GIMP. I know it must be quite frustrating for a GIMP pimp like you to help a newb like me through that. Thanks again. Sara- I think you're the best admin on here. Every time I see your name on the Active Members List, I totally behave myself and crawl into a corner. xD Keep it up! cronoking- It's been...interesting. Keep the sexy up. ;D KairiXRiku- Read Eclipse, or face my wrath. >_> Tootsie- I returned your panties to you finally. I'd wash before wearing. kitty_mckechnie- You're another one of my favorite staff members. I won't be surprised if I see you as an admin or something. Keep it, to. Alright, that wraps it up. Will I be gone for good? Probably not. I'll stop in every now and then to post a sig, debate, who knows. I'm perfectly aware that most of you who are reading this now don't give a flying ****, and I understand. I wouldn't either. I still have my DA account, MSN, and AOL. You can PM too, I just won't be on much to check it out. It's been great, but I have grades to catch up and self-esteem to repair. Much love. <3 Ris.
Join the club, darlin'.
Jesus Vivi, COOL YOUR ****ING JETS. Just saying that it's probably going to end up wrong sick ****ing members are talking about killing other ****ing member. No reason to get so ****ING COCKY ABOUT IT.
Forks, Washington. ;D
You mean 2.4? Yeah. I tried installing some more brushes in, and it worked fine this time. I think I might be doing something wrong. :sweatdrop:
Erm, wrong section, dude. But hell. If you want to make a story, post it in the Creativity Corner
I don't really see it as stealing, since *I think* she claimed that she didn't take the art. I see them all the time on stuff like PB anyway. >.>
I know. People here (especially like Prems and people up in higher status) are PRICKS. I hate the new forums, to be truthful. Before we got VB, it was great. Now it sucks. >_>
Yeah, it is gay. That's why I love it. ;D I'm a noob and adopted one anyway. ^_^
Are you one of those awesome people who go for red rep instead of the usual green? Awesome. I shall neg rep you if ye wish.
Eldest is just as good as Eragon. The ending caught my WAAAAY off though.. Don't read it, or I will kill you or something. xD IT'S GOOOD .
Mother crap I love the background. I honestly don't know what to like...say about it. Your sigs have always been win and geeeeez. Maybe a tad bit more color and some more around the corners? And a border would help. Edit: Never mind. It blended. Lulz.