There's just something I drew...It's a bit old...but I kinda liked it....xDD Sorry for the bad quality...I had to took this pic with my web cam since I don't have a scanner yet -____-'' Anyways...hope you like it! :) Oh! And comments are apreciated...xDD
It's Awesome!! The effect is just great! I liked it! good job!:)
My fave anime? Well...Full metal alchemist and Chrono Cruzade :D
Walrus...xDDDDDDDDDDDD Me, myself and I in your pants...xDD
MAN!! that sig is great!!! You said it was your first one??? MY GOD!! I envy you!! xDD Realy good job!!!
She wants to move in your pants. Alright...xD
Are ya still there CtR? :D
LOOOOL xDD My scared your dog by...rubbing her chin with your finger? xDDD At least she jumped!! xD
I'm looooooving this story so much!!! NEW MEMBER!!! YAY!! xDD Poor kelyx...he ended up sleeping on Xetherah's bed...:) Anyways, this story is great!! And you know I love it!! :D
HEHEHE...Just look who's back! that's right...IT'S MEH!!!! xDDDD NEXIT@H XIV!!!! Beware the madness!!! xDDD ...ok...I'm a little high today... How's everyone? :D:D:D:D:D
Eheheh xDD Funny as always!! xDDD I loved it!! xDDD
I would say Sora is the better half because...Roxas is a bit least that's what I think...and I think Sora makes cute faces....xDDD
It's soooooooo great!! I loved it!! thank you for doing this awsome vid for me Anniexo!! I really loved it!! 5 stars!! *hugs you* One more's awsome and I tottaly loved it!! THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! :):):)
*laughs low while entering the next room* "heheh...Miss perfect...heheh..."
OMG!!! FIRE!! It's awsome!! Really cool!:D
Dunno...Maybe you should talk with the creator of this thread...After all the one who had taken Namine is not here anymore...*ish sad*
Seduces me in your pants xD
To say the're right...the first album they made was! But now...their songs are different for some reason I don't know why...It looks like they've lost part of their "power".
LOOOOOL xD YAY for you!!! xD It's okay!! I like to post user notes!! :) And you're not unloved as u said on your user note!! xDDD
I like linkin Park...But Guano Apes ROCKS!!!! xDD