Ohhhhhhh!! I like them!! I like them all!! you know I already told you that your draws are awsome! the hand is so..wow...I envy you for the hand...xDDD I suck at drawing them...xD
Thank you very much!! I'm glad you like it!! :)
HI! Welcome to Kh-vids!! Hope you like your stay here! Don't forget to follow the rules and post a lot! :)
Oh...ok...lol....I tought you were mad because of the DAMN double post thingie...xDDD Breathe easy in your pants LOL
NOOOO!! DOn't be mad!! *kicks double post* xD Gold Digger in your pants ... xD
Faint in your pants ok....xD
I am a dreamer in your pants ....xDDD
The Drugs don't work in your pants xDDD
Everything burns in your pants xD
21 questions in your pants xD
Scythe of petals in your pants OMG!! This sounds painfull...reeeeeally painfull... xDDD
I like to move it in your pants LOOOL xDD
Gabriel in your pants. A Gabriel? OMG!!! xDDD
Feels like flying in your pants...xDD
ON MERCURY!!! LOL XDDDD Nobody's fool in your pants.... O.O does this really mean nobody...or...nobody? xDDDD
Drops of jupiter in your pants This one is.....Weird....xDxDxD
Another chance in your pants. xDDDDDDD
Teenage dirtbag in your pants xD
Hello Everyone!! Oh! And the Chosen One!! xDD You kinda...knew that I was gonna be here...LOOOL xDDD xDD
OMG!! I would want to meet Orlando Bloom!! ......I'm.....a fangirl? =D xD