Oh yes it feels!! Bunterx...Have a look at your user notes...;) Maybe you've already seen it.
xDDDD bye the muffin man!!! :)
Hey everybody! how're you guys? :) New member I see...hope you have fun while you're here the muffin man! :)
My god!! That game looks awsome!!! Just look at the graphics!! Almost perfect!!!
Oh...my...god...*sniff* such good memories...*sniff* I had one once but...it broke...or must I say...I broke it? xDDD I was just a liitle child!! xD
OH yes it rules!!! I was uses to watch it everyday when I was little...that's why I'm so violent nowadays...xDD Note: I still watch it...xD
pffft......xDDDDD lOOOl funny! xD Call the man in your pants.....xDDD
*hides book in his bag* "Good...now that Xemnas ish asleep, he won't hurt you more little kitties!
Make you happy in your pants xD
My last breath in your pants..... xDDDDD
YES! YES!! I missed you!! Really much!! I was so sad when you were gone!!! *cries* But now...you're back! Everything is fine now!! :) Yeah!! I agree with *Oblivion* I want to talk to you too!!! ;)
OMG!!! OMG!!! You're back you're back!! *runs to her and hugs her* I missed you!! *cries happilly* Finally you're back!!! *hugs one more time* :)
Hi!!! Dracoslythe!! Hope you have fun while you're on the random familly!! ...or else I'll kill you...xDDDD Just kidding!! xD 私はうんざりする、私は空腹である、私は眠く…、私の姉妹は王国の中心の*cries*をするコンソールにある
Try to translate this... 私はすべての人!!愛する! xDDDD You're going to like it!! xDDD