Dude, that was really awesome. 5/5. I'm glad to hear that at least someone proved that a killer vid can be made by a good, plain WMM.
Thanks, it didn't take me so long. I just needed more original ideas for the clothes.
I'd get it, but I'm not sure how much or how much less I would like it without Disney. I'd just play it, see how it is.
Chocolate....in any way
Great idea, relying on staying in your comfort zone at all times is a great weakness. You step out of it, and any slip or mistake is extremely deadly.
Oh, okay I get it now. Thanks for the clarification TAFKAA8.
Yay, I sent it to CS last night. Here's the drawing of my character I made for him. http://i185.photobucket.com/albums/x167/andres992/andresdrawing.jpg
Bye peoples, I have to go!
True, it only really happens once, you hardly ever get any second chances. Also I meant change your fighting style or the the way a weapon is used, not really changing your weapon. You also brought up a good point about going in with a suitable weapon.
*eats the 1% of the cookies which is still a lot* I'll leave 99% of my 1% of cookies for everyone else.
Yup, luck does play a big role in a battle. But depending on what lucky things happen to you, you may have to adapt to an entirely different situation. This also may make you change on your fighting style or the way your weapon is used.
Well, first of all, generally react on how you feel about this...that's just a suggestion. Second of all, I think this should go in the Help with Life thread.
I got Zexion. That's just what I was hoping for. He's my favorite Organization XIII member.
Me being random: I feel like chocolate... Me not being random: I feel like chocolate... See the difference?
I saw it about a week ago, and I want to watch again. It's a really great movie, and I really like the visual effects in it.
Nice vid, the ending rocked. Good job.
When you get bad karma points, I guess.
A simple weapon becomes deadlier when it's weilder is more skilled, I'm guessing.
Yes. That's whats gonna kill me. It's either a lot of rep, a lot of posts, or another 200 posts in 1 month.
That's a really cool discovery. I have to try it sometime. Different cutscene, but the Dusk still comes.