20303 I'm not even on 1 minute yet. I wan't this to be the pwnagesauce-ish-ness.
It's not really that I have different personalities, it's just that there is a dark one. And a smarter one that doesnt come out. And a dumb one.... I don't have a problem *cry*
20301 My soul brothas, I am workin' on a wicked AMV, and it would be totally awesomeness if you saw it when it was done, word out.
......... ......... What do we do? We attack him, he insulted us. And I do too have a life! Attack!
20295 What is up, my soul brothas!
:guns: ....... :blink: Why aren't you fighting to the death with me! I want you to fight to the death with me. :crybaby: :yessir: Whatever you say, master. You're the master! I'm supposed to be the one that disagrees then tries to kick you're :censor2: :mellow: I'm not in the mood. Do you....hate me? :crybaby:
20289 bubbles are deadly period buy only if you make them mad comma otherwise they apostrophe re perfectly fine period
Die, you evil fiend! :guns: *rolls out of the way* Never! I'll fight to the death! :star-wars-smiley-02 What are you guys doing in here? Fighting to the death. Why? He says he created me! Did he really? I dunno. Why do you ask? Because, he's being a jerk. He's being a total :censor2: Free the sheep!:stupid:
20283 *popping bubble wrap*
I need some way to get my post count up faster. It's something called posting like ten times a day you moron. Don't call me a moron, I created you! Evil fiend! I am my own creator! *oh noes, he's being resistant* I shall vanquish you!
20279 Bubble wrap is fun to pop.
O_o that is why everyone would pwn if Forum Families counted.
20276 what do math problems taste like?
what is it question mark tell us please exclamation point
I posted that much here question mark Cool comma I apostrophe m the awesome pwn four g three master exclamation point
Hello. I am x3r†y. Do not fear. He was not gagged, bound, and then stuffed into a bag. There is no need to destroy me, or my secret electrical wires that no one is supposed to know about. Thank-eth you.
That was pretty good man! Nice use of effects in the first part of it. I liked it.
Sorry! That's my bad.
What's wrong with me an SvA being on at the same time? Just because we're like in two different continents far away from each other with a time difference that bugs me does'nt mean that we can't be on at the same time! Wow that took a lot of breath from my keyboard.
Wassup peoples?