the haxxorz. pwnt.
No, make it stop! Make it stoooooooooop!
Burn, baby, burn... *shoots out ice rays from hands and freezes all badgers*
Kaboooooooom. We have to work together this time. To defeat the badgers. *nod* Yeah. Let's do it! *high-five*
20349 The trees will grow! Grow mighty trees! Yay!
We are being rather spontaneously spontaneous.
who are you talking to? me or SvA? I dun want me *** kicked!
Go Rax! Fight the badgers! Hmmm.....I wonder what SvA is up to - OMG! Look away! It burns, burns!!!
Fight update. We're back here with Rax, and my suggestion is to copy and paste them all! Mwahahahahahaha!
Fight update, badgers versus the Random Family. It seems that cheese is the badgers' weakness, but it isn't the right type. It seems that team player, saxoR_vs_aroS knows their weakness, but won't tell. This has been fight update, by x3r†y. eeeeeeeeeeeeewwwww. SvA so does not have a sexy body. He's being weird again. Trust me, I've known him forever.
20346 *fires bananas from a coconut tree* bubbles must die! mwahahahahaha! D for Destruction that can kill bubbles I is for I hate bubbles E is every bubble at anytime at all Just to make the bubble world small! *tune of the FUN song*
Cheese wave! Mwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!
20342 *climbs back up tree* I'm scawed.
*does uber dance* unleash the pwn4g3!!!!!!
No, not the badger mountain! That's their power move! Nooooooooooooes!
20338 *leaves tree* 4tt4ck w!th Ub3r h4xx0rZ 4tt4ck!
Here I have my dumb personality out, and being weird. In the million thread I'm king of the trees..... cool Saves CtR using magical tree powers, then goes to rescue SvA. Get's captured by badgers as well. *mad face* this is it! h4xx0rZ t!m3! 1337 4tt4cK!
okay... this has gone out of hand. I must talk to myself with great nonsense in my words and voice so that I may forget this very bitter ordeal. So...wassup? Isn't talking to yourself funny? Because, you know, it's really weird.... It's not helping! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOES!
*hides behind kk* No... Frickin.... Way! ...duh!
20327 I'm the tree masta! *climbs to a higher tree* mwahahahahaha!