This is gonna be good. Tifa didn't know what to do, she had to defend herself, but she definately didn't want to hurt Cloud.
Tifa looked at Cloud, she couldn't believe he had been taken away from her.
Thanks for explaining. Tifa looked at Sora. All she could feel was anger, "What did you do to him?" she shouted.
Sorry, I didn't quite get that. Can you explain what just happened?
Tifa ran up to Cloud, "What happened?" she asked in a worried voice.
"Cloud" Tifa said close to tears, "Please believe me, I would remember if someone wrapped chains around me made of memories"
"That girl behind you, she's called Namine, she's attacked me before!"
Tifa saw Namine behind Cloud, "Cloud, look out!" she shouted, She still remembered what Namine had done to her.
Tifa was walking around Twilight Town.
ooc: I've got to go, I'm really sorry.
Tifa walked up to the station.
Tifa stared out to the sunset, how long had it been since she had last seen Cloud?
Tifa was still on Sunset Hill, she felt useless because she couldn't do anything to help.
Tifa walked up to Sunset Hill.
Hi everyone, I kind of don't know what to put.
I don't mind really, but I have got to go in 10 minutes, so I haven't got long.
Tifa was really confused about what happened to her earlier.
I was kind of struggling on what to put. *Looks embarassed* "What makes you think that?" Tifa said, trying not to reveal the hatred was boiling up inside her at the name Sephiroth. ooc: I'll be back in 10 minutes.
Tifa looked foward and saw Sora in front of her. "We are in this universe together whether we like it or not, for some reason the people in it are split into different sides, we have to make sure that no harm comes to the people who we care for, I protect Kairi because she would do the same thing for me if I was in her situation." Damn, I sound really corny.
Tifa didn't know what to do, she had to give the keyblade back to Kairi, but she didn't know where she was. Yeah, I'm pretty much stalling.